Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-02-14 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling! Post 2052: A Tutu-tastic Trip with a Touch of Orange

Hello my lovely ballet bunnies! It’s your favourite Derbyshire dancer Emma, reporting live from…drumroll…Consett! Yes, I've traded the Peak District's rolling hills for a bit of County Durham charm. And, as you've probably guessed from the title, a splash of colour has accompanied me on this adventure - namely, a gorgeous orange tutu!

You know me, I love a bit of pink, but sometimes it’s fun to shake things up a bit. And this orange beauty, with its swirling layers and fluffy tulle, felt just right for a trip with a vintage railway feel. I always adore travelling by train, but there’s something so special about the vintage lines. The click-clack of the tracks, the gentle sway of the carriage, and the feeling of travelling back in time, it all adds to the magic. And, of course, no railway journey is complete without a fabulous tutu!

My journey to Consett was all about embracing the romance of the old world. Imagine rolling fields and historic buildings flashing by as I settled in to a plush armchair in a compartment carriage, my orange tutu peeking out from beneath my coat, adding a splash of sunshine to the muted colours of the afternoon. The journey was just as lovely as I’d hoped!

I'm in Consett for a special ballet weekend. Yes, it's another trip to witness the magic of ballet and experience the passion and talent of performers firsthand. My favourite ballet company is doing a workshop here, and it’s a chance for me to delve deeper into the artistry of ballet and improve my own skills.

While the dancing part will be exhilarating, Consett has already charmed me with its own distinct personality. I spent my morning exploring the Consett Museum, discovering its rich industrial history and local stories. I particularly loved their fascinating exhibits on the local mining heritage and the transformation of the town over time.

I’m definitely feeling the "Tutu-tude" in this town! After all, it’s the kind of place where you could easily spot someone waltzing through the streets in their Sunday best. The vibrant arts and culture scene, a thriving community spirit, and the warmth of the locals are infectious. I even found myself doing a little twirl in the market square - and trust me, my orange tutu certainly didn't go unnoticed. The smiles and cheers from onlookers, it just warmed my heart!

I'm planning to visit the magnificent Derwentcote Railway and Mining Museum later, too. I hear their collection of vintage trains is extraordinary. Imagine, steam engines and colourful tutus, it sounds like the perfect blend of vintage charm and ballet magic! I'm already sketching ideas in my head about a photoshoot in front of those majestic trains - stay tuned!

As always, Consett has been kind to my inner animal lover too. Today, I ventured into the picturesque countryside and spent some quality time with the local wildlife. The peaceful green pastures were home to some majestic horses. I love horses. There’s something so noble about them - elegant and powerful, yet sensitive and graceful, just like ballet! I spent the afternoon admiring their beauty, snapping a few pictures and just taking in the tranquil atmosphere. Perhaps it's because I am such a ballerina at heart - there's something so magical about horses and how they move, and so very much like dance.

As I write this post, sitting in a cosy cafe with a delicious warm drink in my hand and my trusty notepad full of scribbles, the familiar glow of Consett town illuminates the scene. The day has been all about embracing adventure, appreciating the beauty around me, and feeling that ballet-filled buzz! And yes, my orange tutu certainly had its moment in the spotlight.

As I often say, my aim in life is to inspire everyone to embrace the beauty of dance and maybe even try a twirl in a pink tutu! After all, what’s life without a bit of glitter and grace, especially when you're travelling by train or horseback in your favourite outfit! I can't wait to see what magical adventures Consett has in store for me tomorrow - stay tuned for the next instalment of this ballet-filled blog journey. Remember, if you're ever feeling a bit blue, just twirl a little, put on a tutu, and find your inner dancer!

See you on www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow, my lovely readers! Until then, stay inspired!

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2002-02-14 in Consett with a orange tutu.