Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-03-19 in Solihull with a european style tutu.

Solihull Calling: A Pink Tutu Adventure (#2085)

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, back with another fabulous entry!

Today’s adventure took me to the delightful town of Solihull, which, if you’re a fellow Brit, you know is famous for being a bit posh! But fear not, my lovelies, for this poshness didn’t translate to stuffiness! Solihull was a delight, full of friendly faces and a sense of old-world charm that I just adored.

But before we get into the delightful town itself, let’s talk about my journey! I decided to ditch the boring old car this time and hop on a train from my Derbyshire home. The countryside was so breathtakingly green, it was like stepping into a storybook! And just for fun, I paired my pink tutu with a classic trench coat. You know, just for a bit of that classic British chic.

Once I arrived in Solihull, I did what any sensible girl with a love for all things twirly would do - I headed straight for a ballet class! It was held in the most charming little theatre, all plush velvet seats and antique chandeliers. My teacher, Miss Penelope, was a true gem - a strict but kind woman with a heart of gold and an amazing talent for whipping us into shape! Even after years of training, there’s always something to learn in ballet. I swear, my legs felt like jelly afterwards, but that good-kind of tired!

After my delightful dance class, I explored Solihull town centre, and let me tell you, I was practically giddy! It was such a charming, vibrant place. Think cobblestone streets, adorable boutiques with amazing vintage finds (which of course, I raided!) and the most charming tea shop with rose-petal tea that just blew me away! Of course, no Solihull experience is complete without a spot of shopping! I found this stunning turquoise cardigan at a little vintage shop - just the perfect touch of colour for my Parisian-inspired ballet wear.

Then it was onto the highlight of my trip - the theatre performance! This time, it was “Swan Lake” in all its magnificent glory. From the breathtaking sets to the exquisite dancing, every detail was meticulously crafted. I nearly cried during the famous ‘Dying Swan’ scene - such incredible storytelling and grace! Honestly, there’s nothing like a great ballet performance to make your heart soar.

But hold your horses (pun intended!), this post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the other part of my trip – my mini-adventure into the world of wildlife! After the performance, I strolled along a lovely canal, and guess who I spotted sunbathing on the banks? A family of ducks! They were absolutely adorable, with fluffy little ducklings waddling around like mini ballet dancers! Of course, I had to capture the moment for my instagram – #TutuandDucks anyone?

This Solihull escapade was truly magical, darlings! It was a perfect reminder that adventure can be found even in the most unexpected places.

Remember, my dears, it's all about embracing those pink tutus, enjoying life to the fullest, and twirling your way through whatever adventures come your way. And as always, feel free to share your own ballet adventures in the comments below!

Until next time, keep your tutus tight and your hearts full of joy!

Yours always,



#TutuBlog 2002-03-19 in Solihull with a european style tutu.