Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-07-06 in Altrincham with a fluffy tutu.

Altrincham Adventures in Pink!

#TutuBlog - Post 2194

Oh, hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling, ballet-obsessed Emma here, coming to you live from sunny (and a little bit windy, truth be told) Altrincham. I just had to pop in here on my way to a stunning ballet performance in Manchester later tonight - and oh my, let me tell you, I'm already brimming with excitement!

Before we dive into the delights of today, I simply must tell you about my morning commute. Now, Altrincham is a gorgeous town - all quaint cobbled streets, cute shops and a beautiful park. But this little missy was feeling a little bit extra today, so instead of catching the train, I decided to ride to Altrincham in style. On horseback!

It may seem like a crazy whim, but let's be honest, how often do you get to feel like you're starring in your very own equestrian fairy tale? The wind whipping through my hair, the sunshine on my face, and the majestic horse beneath me… I was truly feeling like a princess! And who needs a carriage when you've got a majestic steed, eh?

By the time I arrived in Altrincham, I felt like I was practically glowing. I knew I needed a little pick-me-up, so I popped into the most delightful little tea shop I’ve ever seen. Think beautiful china teacups, fluffy scones with lashings of clotted cream and enough pink decor to make my heart sing! I couldn't resist taking a few snaps for Instagram, of course. (And if you want to see them, just pop over to @pink_tutu on Insta - I'll be posting them later.)

With my sugar rush in full effect, I set off exploring Altrincham. It’s truly a little gem of a town. There were quirky little boutiques brimming with treasures, independent bookstores filled with exciting tales, and even a lovely art gallery displaying some stunning paintings – I might have even been tempted to invest in a new addition to my ever-growing collection. But I resisted the urge, telling myself I'd come back for a proper browse another time.

I was especially charmed by the bustling market square. Imagine, the aroma of freshly baked bread, the vibrant colours of fruit and vegetables piled high in baskets, the happy chatter of people enjoying a Friday lunch... it's enough to make you want to set up shop and stay right there! The hustle and bustle of a good old-fashioned market is so uplifting.

Speaking of uplifting… can we just talk about this delightful tutu I’m wearing? My friend Maisie helped me find it in Derbyshire. It’s a delicate swirl of pink tulle with a touch of sparkly lilac, and I simply couldn't resist a little twirl in the square!

For a moment, I closed my eyes, and the whole world faded away. It was just me, the breeze rustling through the tutu, the sun shining down, and the laughter of children echoing around me. That’s what I love about tutus - they transform you into something magical, even just for a fleeting moment.

Honestly, if I could, I'd wear a pink tutu every single day. Maybe even try and convince everyone else to do the same! It's like wearing a smile on your skirt, right? And let's face it, the world needs a little more sunshine and a little less grey.

But, alas, a girl can dream! Back to the real world – which, as it happens, means making my way to the grand Manchester theatre. The Royal Ballet is performing “Swan Lake” this evening, and let me tell you, I am so excited I can barely contain myself!

It's going to be such a glorious evening of graceful movement, exquisite costumes, and breathtaking artistry. I can already see the shimmering water lilies reflected in the glistening stage, the swans gliding effortlessly across the lake, the majestic prince… Ahhh, the drama!

I’ll be sure to tell you all about it tomorrow, in all its glorious detail. I promise. But for now, my dears, I'm off to soak up all that theatrical magic. I'll leave you with this thought: wear your pink tutus with pride, never let anyone tell you it’s too frivolous or outlandish, and most importantly – never stop dancing to your own rhythm!

Until tomorrow!

Lots of love,




#TutuBlog 2002-07-06 in Altrincham with a fluffy tutu.