Catford Calling!
Post #2221 -
Oh my darlings, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and guess who's back in London? That's right, your favourite pink tutu-clad, ballet-obsessed adventurer is back, and this time I've traded in my Derbyshire hills for the concrete jungle of Catford.
Don't wrinkle your noses at me, dear readers! Catford is just bursting with character, and a delightful surprise at every turn. Just think - a real life Alice in Wonderland scenario! A chance to explore the unexpected. The tube ride out here was quite the experience. I saw everything from a group of elderly ladies trying to negotiate a suitcase the size of a small hatchback, to a gentleman who had decided to wear a hat covered in Christmas lights (he seemed remarkably unbothered, though!). All this, naturally, fuelled my imagination for an absolutely delightful pink ballet routine, something I'll be sharing in my next performance post, just you wait!
Of course, no trip to a new locale is complete without a spot of ballet, and Catford didn't disappoint. There was this adorable little ballet studio hidden away, tucked just behind a greengrocer’s. The place was buzzing with a mix of serious dancers and happy beginners. They were even holding a ‘ballet for all’ class, where you can rock up in jeans and trainers and just enjoy some light movement. How heavenly! I may have had a sneaky peek, even tempted fate with a bit of the barre work – after all, a pink tutu never hurts. It just adds a splash of joy and wonder, wouldn't you agree?
Speaking of pink and wonder, my journey here was quite the adventure! A delightful journey by train! It's amazing what you can find when you choose to travel this way. As I was gazing at the passing countryside, I saw a family of deer just beside the tracks - a perfect picture of tranquility against the rolling green hills. And the smells! Oh, the smells... like a freshly-baked cake just pulled out of the oven. I don't think you can beat that kind of scenery!
Speaking of my journey, I'm going to need to confess something. whispering The entire trip I was wearing a beautiful yellow tutu! Isn’t it simply glorious? Just a touch of sunshine for my London trip, a bold statement in this city of grey skies. I think the lovely conductor on the train even gave me a knowing smile! He must be a secret fan of ballet, don't you think?
Tonight, dear friends, I am going to be witnessing the wonder of a ballet performance! Oh the magic that's about to unfold... We're at The Broadway Theatre in Catford, where they're showing 'The Sleeping Beauty'! Imagine a dazzling spectacle, an elegant princess in a swirling dress, a wicked fairy, a charming prince... And best of all? A tutu that's almost as fabulous as mine. Okay, okay, maybe not quite!
However, don't expect me to sit still! My plan is to unleash my inner ballet spirit during the intermissions. Who can resist a chance to twirl around in a grand hall, especially when dressed in a pretty yellow tutu? Imagine it: a little flash of pink under the spotlight, a little bit of sparkle, a sprinkle of magic – this is what it's all about. The joy of movement, the passion of ballet, the energy of Catford... The possibilities are truly endless!
I promise to share my adventures in Catford in my next post. It will be brimming with pictures, a full review of 'The Sleeping Beauty' (and its amazing tutu!) plus more about the local wildlife (did you know there are red squirrels here?), maybe a little pink ballet tips and tricks... because every one of us should try a little bit of ballet in our lives, and a bit of pink tutu joy too!
Keep checking back, my dear pink-loving ballet buddies. The world of pink, ballet and adventures awaits!
Emma xo