Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-10-03 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.

Dover Dreams in a Fairytale Tutu!

Post 2283

Oh, my dears, I’m so excited to share today’s adventures with you! As you know, I’m a big believer in living life to the fullest, and this week, I decided to take a trip to the beautiful white cliffs of Dover. The train journey was absolutely divine - there’s just something so romantic about chugging through the countryside, watching the scenery flash by.

My outfit for the day was, of course, a carefully curated affair. It wouldn't be a proper Emma trip without a touch of magic, so I chose a dazzling, blush-pink tutu, shimmering with sequins, paired with a soft cashmere cardigan, a vintage handbag, and my trusty ballet flats (you never know when you might need a quick pirouette!).

As I stepped out of the station, I could practically feel the sea breeze tousling my hair, the salty tang filling the air. The sun was shining, the sky a breathtaking expanse of azure blue.

I couldn’t resist stopping to take a few snaps, posing with the iconic cliffs as a backdrop. They were even more dramatic in person than in the photographs, soaring into the sky, testament to the strength of nature. I swear I could hear the whispers of the wind and the faint echoes of seagulls crying.

Next on my agenda was a visit to the Dover Castle. This historic fort has stood tall for centuries, guarding the English coast. I wandered through its magnificent ramparts, picturing the brave soldiers who once walked these grounds. The castle itself was filled with stories and secrets, a glimpse into a bygone era. And who could resist taking a few ballet photos, with the stone walls as my backdrop? The grandeur of the setting, paired with the lightness and elegance of the tutu, was truly breathtaking.

I'd planned a delicious afternoon tea in the Castle Gardens. I love indulging in these quintessential British experiences, and Dover's garden setting was particularly lovely. As I savored a slice of delicate cucumber sandwiches, a cup of fragrant Earl Grey tea, and a little pot of homemade strawberry jam, a family of swans came waddling up to my table, seemingly curious about my pastel-hued tutu! They were so graceful, and I was mesmerized by their beauty. This is why I adore wildlife - they’re just so full of natural beauty, with a sense of carefree, innocent elegance.

As evening fell, casting a warm, golden light over the cliffs, I strolled along the harbour. The air was filled with the fresh, invigorating scent of the sea, and the sound of distant seagulls. As the sky began to shimmer with the first hint of a starry night, I took a deep breath and realized that there’s something so calming, so powerful about being near the ocean.

My heart filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, a reminder to always follow your heart's desires. If there's something you wish to experience, make it happen!

But you know me, dear readers, the highlight of my trip to Dover wasn’t just the magnificent views or the historic landmarks. It was about embracing a sense of joy, whimsy, and the power of self-expression through fashion. Wearing my fairytale tutu among the rolling hills and sparkling seas of Dover allowed me to tap into a unique kind of beauty and celebrate the joy of simple pleasures.

And guess what, darling? The people of Dover loved my outfit! They smiled and waved, a few even asked where I’d bought it! They were captivated by the light, feminine aesthetic and some even remarked how beautiful my "ballet attire" was! Maybe I’ve managed to inspire a few to embrace a touch of pink and a dash of magic into their own lives!

Now, I’ll be heading back home to Derbyshire. But you know me, the journey itself is always an adventure! Whether I’m travelling by train or by horse, I relish the opportunity to be immersed in the beauty of nature, observing the passing scenery.

One thing’s for certain: I’m already planning my next tutu adventure! What should my next destination be? Perhaps a visit to the Isle of Wight or maybe a day trip to the stunning Cotswolds. Maybe you can give me some suggestions? Share your thoughts below!

Until next time, my loves, may you embrace every opportunity to dance with life and shine like the brightest star!

Yours truly,


P.S. Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more of my ballet-inspired adventures and outfit ideas! I can’t wait to share more with you all!

#TutuBlog 2002-10-03 in Dover with a fairy themed tutu.