
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-11-11 in Broadstairs with a italian tutu.

Broadstairs Calling! Post #2322

Hello my lovelies! Emma here, back from my whirlwind trip to Broadstairs, and oh my, what a splendid time I had! It feels like I've lived a lifetime in the past few days. Just like you can't have a rainbow without a bit of rain, a truly fulfilling trip has to be punctuated with a few wobbles - and my journey certainly wasn't without them!

Let's rewind a bit. It all started in Derbyshire, with the crisp autumn air whispering tales of adventures to come. I packed my trusty pink tutu, this one with an oh-so-chic Italian flourish, in my vintage suitcase. As I gazed out the window of my train to Dover, the rolling hills painted with fiery hues of orange and red made my heart sing. It was like a scene from one of those romantic ballet productions - only, you know, a bit colder. πŸ˜‰

Dover. Ahh, Dover. What a lovely town! My heart melted a bit at the sight of the ancient white cliffs, stark and proud, overlooking the churning, silver sea. The bustling harbour was teeming with fishing boats, their brightly painted hulls shimmering in the autumn sunshine. I lingered for a while, lost in the quaint shops, sniffing out quirky treasures. But you see, I wasn't just wandering, darling. I was on a mission!

Remember that grand performance by the Royal Ballet I told you about? The one where they took Giselle to a whole new level? Well, the lead ballerina's stunning pink tutu? That was my inspiration, you see! I'm on the hunt for a piece of hand-sewn tulle magic just like it, and rumours had been swirling that a dear friend of mine in Broadstairs, the incredible seamstress Beatrice, might hold the key!

From Dover, it was a quick hop on the train, a journey that felt more like a fairytale ride than public transport, and then, poof! there I was in Broadstairs, the crisp air smelling of the sea and freshly baked bread. The town was abuzz with life, a quaint mixture of cobblestone streets lined with charming boutiques and restaurants bursting with delicious aromas.

Speaking of delicious, I simply had to try some of the local seafood. The creamy fish and chips, served with a generous side of mushy peas and a dollop of vinegar, were an absolute delight! The whole experience was so quintessentially British, I even got to witness a local flock of seagulls stealing chips from an unsuspecting tourist. 😜

As for my tutu quest, let me tell you, darling, the day Beatrice unveiled her latest masterpiece was pure magic! She draped the delicate, flowing tulle around me, the silk shimmering like moonlight. It was an ethereal dream, like a fluffy pink cloud made tangible. It fitted like a glove - well, like a tutu should! My excitement reached a fever pitch. I just had to twirl!

Unfortunately, it all came crashing down rather dramatically - literally! You see, I, being the ever so graceful ballet dancer that I am, tripped over a particularly rogue paving stone in Beatrice's little shop! (Cue dramatic sigh!) My clumsy feet sent me sprawling, landing smack-dab in a pile of feather boas and ribbon spools. I emerged unscathed, except for a slightly ruffled feather boa that seemed to have decided to become my temporary hat. I did, however, learn a valuable lesson that day. When twirling, beware of the pavement!

But it was all worth it in the end, because I walked out of Beatrice's with a new masterpiece tucked securely in my suitcase. (And a newfound respect for well-maintained paving stones!)

To celebrate this triumphant occasion, I took myself to the beautiful theatre that stands proud at the heart of the town. It was time to indulge in another of my passions – the balletic performance, a delightful little ballet about the life of a travelling artist, which I'm sure inspired this trip more than I know! (Okay, it's my blog, I can mention my own blog whenever I want!)

And then there was the seaside, oh, the beautiful, salty, wind-swept seaside! It's hard to choose a favorite time of day when visiting Broadstairs because they’re all magical! There is a kind of peace at sunrise as the golden rays hit the water and reflect a thousand shades of amber and crimson. But, there's also a particular charm at dusk as the light turns a deeper gold and casts long shadows that make everything look mysterious. And then of course, there's that moment when the sea turns a deep, blue-grey, a colour I love so much that I wish I could paint my nails like it, but then they'd match the denim in my tutu outfits - so a disaster in the fashion world. πŸ˜‚

Honestly, dear reader, the whole town was utterly charming, filled with welcoming faces, cobbled streets and colourful architecture that was simply crying out to be captured on my Instagram feed. And the shops - darling, the shops! They are like walking into a fashion fairytale!

I simply must go back! It’s already on my list to plan my return next month, so I can spend more time wandering the winding alleys, exploring the hidden corners of the old town and enjoying the delicious smells wafting out of the bakeries.

But my dearest reader, before I go, I leave you with this – wear pink, dance, dream big!

Until next time!

Yours always, Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2002-11-11 in Broadstairs with a italian tutu.