Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-12-04 in Aberdeen with a pink tutu.

Aberdeen Calling: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 💖🩰

Post Number: 2345

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Emma, here, signing in from a rather chilly Aberdeen. As you all know, I'm always up for an adventure, and this trip has been no exception! Now, you might be wondering why I chose a little jaunt to the Granite City in December… well, my darlings, there's a certain enchantment to the city when it's wrapped in mist, and the frosty breath of winter is upon us.

I took the train, naturally, because what’s better than whizzing past picturesque landscapes with the steam of a roaring engine behind me? I'm sure you'll all agree with me when I say there's something undeniably romantic about a train journey. Oh, and my darling tutus? Well, they took up most of the luggage space! Honestly, how can a girl resist packing every single one when each and every one of them is so fabulously different? I had a feeling I'd need a change of wardrobe for all the activities on my list for this trip.

This trip is actually all about the ballet! A local friend had told me about the amazing "Winterfest" they have on every December in Aberdeen. It features performances from some of the best ballet companies around. Of course, no tutu-loving, dance-obsessed gal can miss out on a festival like this!

I'm currently rocking a pink tulle number - gotta stay true to my theme, my darlings! - and feeling perfectly ready to explore all the artistic delights this city has to offer. The air feels charged with the magic of ballet, and I'm absolutely bursting with anticipation!

So, let me take you along on my journey, my lovelies! Buckle up, and let's twirl into this delightful experience together. 🩰💖

First stop: The Theatre Royal!

My very first order of business was to visit the stunning Theatre Royal, a beautiful Victorian building with a fascinating history. Did you know that it used to be a skating rink back in the 19th century?! The contrast between its grand ballroom days and its current home of ballet and the performing arts is what makes it such a unique venue, and the acoustics in there are incredible.

This evening, they had a beautiful production of "Swan Lake," and, oh my, it was absolutely captivating! I don’t know how they manage to create that magical feeling with just their bodies and music, but it really does take your breath away. The way the dancers flowed on stage, like a school of elegant swans, took my breath away! I just sat mesmerized throughout the whole performance - honestly, it was everything I could have hoped for and more! 🦢

And talking of graceful, did you see this pair of fluffy penguins I spotted outside the Theatre? Their elegant little struts as they waddled down the icy pathway towards their penguin pond just filled my heart with such delight. Just goes to show how the most unexpected of places can contain an abundance of wonder, right?!

A Whirlwind Tour

After my fabulous "Swan Lake" experience, I headed off on a whirl of exciting activities.

This little city was jam-packed with a fabulous assortment of boutiques, independent cafés, and charming little tea rooms. Of course, I indulged in a spot of shopping, finding some absolutely divine additions to my wardrobe. You'll have to wait and see what they are, but I’m sure you'll be absolutely in love when I post the outfit on the site!

In between shopping sprees, I savoured some mouth-watering local treats: scones with jam and cream (an absolute must for any trip to Scotland!), Aberdeen Angus burgers, and delectable sticky toffee pudding (so decadent!). My taste buds have been thoroughly spoilt, and I'm already craving a repeat trip for the sheer pleasure of these delicious culinary experiences.

One afternoon, I ventured into the "Galleries of Modern Art," because honestly, what’s better than a dose of artistic inspiration while on holiday? Their temporary exhibit of local abstract art pieces was a vibrant tapestry of colours and textures, so fascinating to watch as light and shadow played across their surfaces.

One of the galleries was displaying beautiful sculptures created with nature materials like feathers, branches and leaves, and it got me thinking. Nature provides the perfect source of inspiration and it's time I create a dance sequence to a natural theme. I even brought home a beautiful carved wooden sculpture of a swan from one of the city’s quaint artisan shops!

Oh! And speaking of beautiful landscapes, the majestic countryside that surrounds Aberdeen has been truly inspiring. I explored some breathtaking seaside clifftop walks, admiring the panoramic views of the craggy coast and wild North Sea. I spotted a small, adorable family of wild sheep (with their little lambs!) while on a leisurely walk, and of course, I couldn't resist whipping out my tutu and taking some seriously cute snaps with my fluffy new friends! 💖 🐑

Finding My Ballerina Tribe

There was another, incredibly exciting, reason for me coming to Aberdeen.

You know how I'm a big believer in spreading the love of ballet to every corner of the world? Well, Aberdeen boasts a lovely community of ballet enthusiasts. They are an absolute joy to be around! I connected with a bunch of the local dancers over an afternoon of ballet-themed tea in a beautiful tearoom! ☕️🩰

I couldn't resist showing them a few moves. The girls loved seeing me do some classic arabesques in a fabulously flowy pink tutu (that was a bit too big but I somehow still made it work!)! We had so much fun reminiscing over the history of ballet and swapping stories about our favourite ballets and our own individual journeys as dancers! It was so special meeting a bunch of kindred spirits who love the grace and passion of dance just as much as I do. I already have plans to get together for a choreographed performance together at one of the upcoming "Dance Workshops" later this year! I love creating memories with new friends.

Tutu and Ta-ta!

Now, my darlings, it’s time to wrap this post up and head to the station to catch my train back to Derbyshire! This trip has been all about immersing myself in the world of ballet. From exploring a vibrant arts scene, discovering delightful cafes and charming boutiques, and sharing laughter and camaraderie with fellow ballet enthusiasts - I’m taking home some truly treasured memories and a whole lotta inspiration. I even got the idea for my new choreography project that'll focus on natural themes!

It's been a pure joy experiencing all this in a city with such unique and historic charm. Aberdeen has a place in my heart for sure - and who knows, maybe we'll see another tutu-tastic visit from yours truly in the near future?

Until next time, darlings, don’t forget to embrace the joy of movement and remember, the world’s a better place when we all twirl together!

Don't forget to follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com and tag your fabulous #tutulife photos on Instagram!

Love, Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2002-12-04 in Aberdeen with a pink tutu.