Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-12-11 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.

Oxford: A Whirlwind of Culture & Cuisine (Post #2352)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure, this time in the charming city of Oxford! Now, you all know how much I love a good train journey, and the journey to Oxford was no exception. The countryside flew by in a blur of autumnal hues, making me dream of crisp mornings and warm fires.

My heart was set aflutter the moment I arrived at Oxford Station, the air filled with the chatter of students and the sweet scent of freshly baked bread wafting from a nearby cafe. I knew instantly that Oxford was a place for creative spirits, a city with a unique pulse, a little bit whimsical and entirely captivating.

First on the agenda was a visit to the Bodleian Library, a building that practically hums with history and learning. I was mesmerized by the endless rows of books, imagining the tales they contained. My favourite thing though? The absolutely gorgeous Divinity School, with its ornate ceiling and stunning architecture, which reminded me so much of the inside of a ballerina's tutu, with layers upon layers of beautiful detail!

Speaking of beautiful things, after the library I popped into the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, where I found myself awestruck by the magnificent skeleton of a giant diplodocus. The sheer scale of it! It made me realise that we're only tiny parts of a grand cosmic ballet.

Tutu Time: Of course, no trip is complete without a dance. Oxford is bursting with dance studios and theatre venues, and I just had to check out the beautiful Oxford Playhouse. I decided on a delicate lavender tutu this time, which paired perfectly with the blush-toned bricks of the theatre exterior. As I twirled on the cobblestones, I couldn’t help but feel the spirit of all the ballerinas who had danced on these same grounds.

Foodie Frolics: No adventure is complete without a taste of local flavour, and Oxford did not disappoint. The covered market was a veritable feast for the senses, filled with colourful stalls bursting with local cheeses, hand-crafted chocolates, and freshly baked bread that practically sang in your ear.

For lunch, I couldn’t resist a creamy mushroom soup in a charming café overlooking a tiny, ivy-covered square. The gentle clinking of teacups, the chatter of friends, and the warm soup warmed me from the inside out, a little taste of paradise.

Pink Palace Perfection: Later that afternoon, I found myself strolling along the picturesque River Cherwell. The river, shimmering like a ribbon of silver in the fading sunlight, transported me to a fairy tale world. The air buzzed with the sound of birdsong, the scent of wild honeysuckle filling my nostrils. It was so peaceful, I almost wished I had brought a picnic and my pinkest, fluffiest tutu!

Oxford in my heart: Oxford truly enchanted me. It's a place where history whispers in every alleyway, where inspiration blooms around every corner. I left with a heart full of stories and a soul buzzing with creativity, ready to dance back into the heart of my life.

Until next time, my loves.

Remember, a pink tutu is a statement of confidence, joy, and pure imagination! So grab one, put on your best smile, and twirl your way into the world.

Lots of love,


P.S. Don’t forget to share your own tutu adventures with me on www.pink-tutu.com ! I’m always looking for inspiration from my amazing readers. Let’s dance the world pink, together!

#TutuBlog 2002-12-11 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.