Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-05-07 in Ilkeston with a purple tutu.

Ilkeston, My Lovely! (Post #2499)

Hello my darling pink-tutu lovers! It's Emma here, ready to take you on a whirl through a wonderful day in Ilkeston, a beautiful town nestled right in the heart of my beloved Derbyshire.

This morning, sunshine streamed through my window, dappling the room with a lovely golden glow, and you know what? I woke up feeling absolutely fabulous! I knew this day was going to be special, and after a breakfast of perfectly ripe strawberries and creamy yogurt, I donned a particularly spectacular pink tutu (naturally!) - the one with the delicate embroidered flowers and the perfectly full, fluffy skirt - and headed out the door.

My journey to Ilkeston, like so many of my recent adventures, involved the magical combination of horses and trains! I love the thrill of the railway, watching the countryside zip past in a blur of green fields and sleepy villages, but my horse, Cleo, gives me an entirely different perspective on the world. We set off through the leafy lanes, her hooves tapping out a rhythmic melody, the fresh air carrying the scent of bluebells and blooming hedgerows. Cleo loves to canter in the meadows just outside the town, and I love watching her playful antics – it’s like our own little ballet on the green!

Ilkeston is such a charming town – cobblestone streets, quirky shops, and a buzzing little market square. Today, it was bursting with colour – fresh blooms, ripe fruits, and happy chatter – just like my heart!

After a cup of strong Earl Grey (with a touch of honey, naturally!), my afternoon took a decidedly graceful turn. A local dance studio had announced a special introductory workshop for adults, and my inner ballerina just couldn't resist!

Wearing my fabulous, yet somehow utterly comfortable, tutu (oh, the joys of having a wardrobe bursting with tulle!) I joined the class and realised just how much I’d missed dancing. The joy of moving with such beautiful precision, feeling the energy flow through every step, the camaraderie of the class – it filled me with a kind of euphoric joy. Even after weeks on the road, with all the whirlwind travels, my feet haven’t forgotten their graceful ballet steps.

And as I waltzed and twirled with my new classmates, my mind wandered, picturing them all in their own perfect pink tutus. Imagine it – a world where everyone has discovered the pure magic of twirling and the liberating joy of dancing. A world where tutus are as ubiquitous as a good cup of tea and laughter spills onto the street from every studio. That’s the world I want to help create, and Ilkeston, my darling, you've definitely ignited that dream!

Before returning to the countryside on Cleo, we took a detour to the local theatre to catch the most delightful ballet performance. The story of ‘Giselle’ was absolutely captivating. The lead ballerina, with her light movements and expressive gaze, transported us into a world of heartbreak, loss and ultimate sacrifice. I must admit, I couldn’t help but twirl along a little, my pink tutu feeling like a second skin. My fellow theatre-goers chuckled indulgently at my little twirls.

Back in my cozy home, I couldn’t help but reflect on the magical day – from the sweet smells of the country, to the thrill of the stage, to the graceful camaraderie of my ballet classmates. It was a perfect day, perfectly encapsulating the magic that only pink tutus and ballet can offer.

So here's my mission for you today: Put on your most dazzling outfit, maybe even a hint of pink! Go for a walk, or a run, maybe even a waltz! Find that part of yourself that wants to move with grace and beauty, and just go for it!

Love always,


PS. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for even more tips and inspiration. Spread the pink!

#TutuBlog 2003-05-07 in Ilkeston with a purple tutu.