Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-07-22 in Upminster with a american style tutu.

Upminster Adventures in Pink! 🩰💖 (Post #2575)

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from Upminster, a charming little corner of Essex, where the air is fresh, the fields are green, and… well, you know me, there’s always a hint of pink around! 😉

Today was a whirlwind of ballet brilliance and travel joy. And let me tell you, this was not just any ordinary Tuesday. I was off to a special event - the annual Upminster Dance Festival! You’d think that just the name itself would be enough to entice me, right? But oh no, my lovelies, they just had to go and mention tutus. 🤭

Before I reveal all the exciting details, let me take you on a little journey to get us there. Since the joys of train travel always bring a smile to my face, I opted for the scenic route. Stepping out of my Derbyshire home, it was like I was stepping straight into a storybook. Rolling fields stretched out as far as the eye could see, dappled sunlight played hide-and-seek among the trees, and oh, those charming little cows, looking like they were posing for a fashion spread with their fluffy coats! They always remind me that life is a little bit sweeter when you have a good dose of whimsy.

My train ride was pure bliss! With a comfy carriage, my faithful companion – a blush pink tote bag filled with all my ballet essentials, naturally – and a delightful chat with a lovely lady who was also headed to the festival, it felt like a grand ballet in its own right.

The lady, whose name was Mary, was an absolute gem! She had a contagious enthusiasm for ballet, which was so inspiring. We shared stories about our favorite dancers, reminisced about old performances, and exchanged tips on finding the perfect tutu for a day out (I know, you’d think we could all just stick to pink!). It truly reminded me why the world of ballet is so magical - it’s filled with kindness, shared passion, and, well, just a lot of fun.

Upminster itself was a delightful discovery! This little town is teeming with quaint shops, flower boxes overflowing with colour, and an air of calm serenity that’s almost addictive. I wouldn't have thought of finding a town quite so charming and filled with character in the heart of Essex! It almost feels like a mini escape into a classic Jane Austen novel – minus the love triangles, of course! 🤭

And then came the highlight of the day – the dance festival itself. Now, let's be honest, I'm always a sucker for a good stage, a grand curtain, and, of course, some stellar ballet performances. The festival had everything – from classical routines to vibrant contemporary pieces, each performance dripping with talent and showcasing the raw power and beauty of ballet. But the real kicker, the thing that really set my heart aflutter, was the amazing range of costumes. Imagine, darlings, a dazzling tapestry of colour, shimmering sequins, and, of course, an abundance of tutus, each one more gorgeous than the last!

Now, for this event, I went with a twist on my classic pink tutu – I chose an American-style one, with an ethereal layer of soft pink tulle and a hint of sparkly detailing. I felt like a whimsical fairytale princess, gliding through the festival, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere. My little heart was brimming with excitement and happiness! Honestly, sometimes I feel like I live my life in a pink, twirling dream and who would have thought it all started with just a tutu?

The whole event left me feeling rejuvenated and overflowing with inspiration. So, I’ve decided to do something quite extraordinary… in the spirit of sharing the beauty of ballet with the world, I've challenged myself (and all of you lovely readers!) to wear a pink tutu every Tuesday, a new style every time. You know, we should all get our twirl on!

We can make the world a little brighter and more magical, one twirling pink tutu at a time! You with me?

Before I go, remember, the secret to a happy life? Simple: always have a twinkle in your eye, embrace a little whimsy, and never shy away from a good twirl in a pink tutu. 😉 Stay fabulous, darlings, and see you tomorrow for a brand new ballet adventure!

Lots of love,

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2003-07-22 in Upminster with a american style tutu.