Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-07-28 in London with a cyan tutu.

London Calling! Tutu Travels #2581

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely buzzing to be back with you all from my recent trip to London! The Big Smoke, as they say, was positively calling my name, and I knew it was the perfect excuse to wear my new cyan tutu (yes, I said cyan, a delicious mix of blue and green, if you didn't know!).

Now, some of you might say that London isn't exactly a ballet hotspot - I mean, who wants to pirouette through Piccadilly Circus?! But I think a bit of tutu-infused joy is needed everywhere! I’m not one to shy away from a bit of ballet street, even if it’s surrounded by black cabs and tourists!

This time around, though, I had a real ballet bonanza in store for me. My trusty pal, Sarah (who’s a total dance diva in her own right, with a collection of tutus that could rival mine!), convinced me to go and see "Swan Lake" at the Royal Opera House. Talk about glamorous!

I absolutely love ballet shows, and I couldn't resist slipping on a bright pink tutu over my dress. (Yes, tutus really can be a fashion statement - I told you!) Sarah nearly burst with laughter as we boarded the train, but I have to admit, the other passengers' wide-eyed smiles made me feel like a proper prima ballerina. They were like, "Ooh, there she is, the tutu princess, bless her heart!”

Anyway, back to the show. I was blown away by the ballerinas' incredible technique. I mean, these ladies literally flew across the stage, each pirouette so perfectly executed! I think I sat there with my mouth hanging open for the first half, trying to absorb it all.

Then, during the intermission, Sarah pulled out a flask of pink champagne. The girl is always prepared! We sat back down, glasses in hand, giggling like schoolgirls, and all I could think was: "This is what dreams are made of."

But, enough about the ballet, you’ve heard it all before. Let’s chat about this fantastic trip to London.

Of course, we had to make time for a bit of proper London fun too!

Firstly, a horse-drawn carriage through Hyde Park was an absolute must! Who knew such romantic bliss still existed in the modern world?! We were absolutely swept away by the majestic horses and the feeling of utter sophistication that oozes out of Hyde Park. We just had to pause for a perfect photo with our backs to the sun in the pink sunset! The picture is up on my website, pink-tutu.com - check it out!

Then, a little walk through Covent Garden. Who needs Buckingham Palace when you have street performers doing backflips and incredible displays of dance? (Okay, Buckingham Palace is a must too, but you get what I’m saying! 😉). This is another place where I really got my tutu street on! There was a little jazz dance routine happening near the flower stall - my feet practically started tap-dancing themselves! I couldn’t resist popping in for a few spins myself. A crowd soon gathered to cheer me on! What can I say, I’m a natural. (Well, that's what my mom always told me...)

Then, a trip to a fabulous animal sanctuary! A total detour, yes, but totally worth it. Who doesn’t love furry friends, especially when they are rescued and given a loving new home? My heart melted when I met a tiny kitten that looked exactly like a mini pink cloud with those cute, fluffy ears. I’d say I nearly fainted from adoration! You wouldn’t believe the pictures!

This trip wasn't all ballet and wildlife. There was a bit of indulgence thrown in too, of course! (As you can tell from the extra blush in my cheeks… maybe I overdid the pink prosecco just a little...) We found this incredible, quintessentially British tea room nestled away in Notting Hill. It was like stepping into a vintage novel! Pink floral wallpaper, porcelain teacups and the most delicious cucumber sandwiches I’ve ever tasted. It was basically an edible fairy tale! And I swear, the little pastries looked like tiny little pink tutus!

After all that excitement, we spent a quiet night walking around, sipping chai, and looking at the incredible cityscape as night fell. My favourite part? I saw the famous London Eye, all sparkly in the twilight. Talk about romance!

Anyway, that brings us to the end of my little adventure in London.

Before I leave you, I’ve been thinking... This trip to London, like all my travels, was full of little adventures and unexpected experiences that filled me with pure joy and a desire to share them with everyone. The tutu, you guys, the pink tutu was a perfect accompaniment! It reminded me, it reminded us all, of the simple magic of the world and the power of dance to bring smiles and joy wherever you go! So go on, give it a try! Be a tutu queen for a day, maybe even a week!

Don't forget to visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com for all your tutu needs and don't hesitate to tell me about your tutu experiences, in the comments! Until next time, lovelies!

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2003-07-28 in London with a cyan tutu.