Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-10-10 in Scunthorpe with a pink tutu.

Scunthorpe: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰

#TutuBlog Post #2655

Hello my darling darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and guess what? I'm in Scunthorpe! Yes, you read that right - the very heart of Lincolnshire!

I've been meaning to get to Scunthorpe for ages. My Nana (God rest her soul, she was the most fabulous woman with a penchant for pink) told me about a beautiful Victorian theatre there, The Baths Hall. And you know I just HAVE to visit any theatre. Theatres are sacred spaces where magic is created - even if it's just the magic of the lights going down and the hush of anticipation filling the room.

And now, darling readers, you'll understand why I felt compelled to go - my journey to Scunthorpe was as grand as it could possibly be:

It all started with a lovely long ride on the train. Honestly, I feel so chic on trains, especially when I've got my pink tutu on - I feel like I'm on the set of a glamorous movie. The windows whisking by, a sea of passing countryside... pure delight! And my tutu did the whole carriage proud, let me tell you. Everyone smiled. My motto? "A pink tutu makes everyone smile".

But enough about my gorgeous tutu (although, I have to say, this one's particularly fabulous – think silk, pink lace, and a sprinkle of diamante! I'll have to show you a picture on Instagram later!) We've got to talk about Scunthorpe itself. I was surprised! It's quite a charming town. I'm not just saying that either.

Yes, it's a bit rough around the edges, but there's a definite industrial beauty to it. There's history here, with the old iron works and steel mills and such - they tell me Scunthorpe was at the heart of steelmaking back in the day. But what I loved about the place was this strong community spirit and how everyone seemed to look after each other. It felt very warm and friendly.

The first thing that struck me as I arrived in Scunthorpe was how pretty it is. Okay, I know I just mentioned the industrial vibe but I really did feel charmed by the cute, colourful little cottages.

Speaking of pretty - did you see the gardens I spotted? There's a fantastic little Victorian walled garden and park just across from the theatre called The Baths Hall Gardens. And yes, my darlings, you already guessed - the most beautiful pink rose bushes. It felt like walking through a painting! My photos on Instagram will do it justice!

Then it was on to the theatre itself. Let's just say I felt the thrill! It is magnificent! Just seeing it brought me right back to my time dancing in the theatre, especially those long rehearsals before our first show!

I can't describe to you the beauty of the interior. It's been refurbished, but it's still so beautiful - ornate ceilings and chandeliers, the theatre boxes, even the old balcony... every little detail whispered tales of a grand time when folks came to see live shows.

We managed to catch the tail-end of an amazing classical performance. Such exquisite melodies! I nearly started twirling right there in the middle of the audience - thank heavens I was too well-behaved! I’m planning on taking some classes in the theatre as well. There are a few classes in tap, ballet and contemporary dance running, so, naturally, I'll be there, tutu in tow of course!

The whole place buzzed with creativity. There's even an art gallery in Scunthorpe, filled with local artists showcasing their work. They told me it was in one of the oldest houses in town, a stunning Georgian one with high ceilings and walls that look as if they were built to hold centuries' worth of stories. I had to go through it twice - twice the opportunity to discover its hidden wonders.

Honestly, Scunthorpe totally won me over. Even after my travels, it just keeps stealing my heart. It felt like an escape, even if it was just a day trip. I don't think the last few hours have even passed by yet. I want to be here for weeks! And it's all because of this charming little town with a BIG personality and my ever-present pink tutu!

And as always, my dear readers, my favourite part of any trip has to be the food. After I left the Baths Hall Gardens, I discovered this fantastic little cafe called 'The Vintage Tea Room' - yes, with all the pink! There were lovely, traditional sandwiches and cakes. My Nana always insisted we have proper cream tea every so often, so it brought back a whole host of lovely memories!

I even tried one of those traditional Lincolnshire sausage rolls! Oh my - they were just to die for!

I know what you're thinking - Scunthorpe and sausage rolls? Really, Emma?! Well, you can be sure my readers, I'll be trying a little of everything I can. Scunthorpe has so many charming independent restaurants and pubs and bakeries - I’ll make sure I take some lovely photos of all the food and share them on Instagram!

For the next two days I'm planning on taking a leisurely walk along the River Trent - they told me there’s a nice river path with a nature reserve there - lots of birds! My grandmother always taught me to appreciate wildlife, even if it meant watching them from afar - which I’ll be sure to do. And you can bet I'll be bringing my tutu to look extra fabulous as I'm walking by the river. I am, after all, a pink-tutu wearing ballerina in a vibrant little town like Scunthorpe. How could I not bring some cheer with me?

But it wouldn't be fair if I left you all on that high note without sharing the little tips that I have. Here are a few things you MUST do if you go to Scunthorpe, from a girl who has worn a pink tutu and has truly felt the magic of the place.

  • The Baths Hall Theatre: The shows change weekly! It's got to be on your list of must-sees. Check out the events online. They're even doing a new play there by the local youth theatre next week, called "Twinkle, Twinkle, Tutu Star"!

  • Go for a leisurely walk: It’s a chance to breathe in the air of a thriving town and get in touch with nature! There are several good walks you can enjoy, from riverside trails to a delightful short walk around the charming gardens just behind the Baths Hall. You can see lots of wildlife, especially swans and ducks by the river, as well as lots of friendly dogs who’ll be wanting a chin scratch!

  • Have a good look at The Lincolnshire Iron & Steel Museum: A little trip to history right at the heart of Scunthorpe, and an incredible opportunity to see how this town rose from the earth. It’s great fun - you’ll see old mining machines and steelmaking equipment, with plenty to keep you fascinated for hours. There’s even a museum shop, so you’re guaranteed to find the perfect memento of your time in Scunthorpe.

  • Indulge in Scunthorpe’s fabulous independent food: The town is filled with hidden culinary treasures. And yes, my dears, I have a very important question for you! What do you call a sausage roll in Scunthorpe?

Oh my, you guys, I've really got to dash - I've a date with my trusty tutu for an afternoon dance class. We'll see you next time! Until then, may you always be twirling, be it in Scunthorpe or anywhere!

Lots of love,


* www.pink-tutu.com *

#TutuBlog 2003-10-10 in Scunthorpe with a pink tutu.