Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-01-12 in Welling with a american style tutu.

Welling: Where the Wild Things Are (and the Tutu's Too!)

Post #2749 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hey darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu wearing blogger, Emma, signing in from a rather chilly, yet utterly charming Welling. You see, I'm not just a girl who loves tutus and ballet (though those things are certainly up there in my top 10, darling). I also have a weakness for exploring hidden gems, and Welling was most certainly a hidden gem of a town. I'd heard tales of this beautiful little corner of Kent, but never truly experienced it myself. Oh my! Let me tell you, the pictures don't even come close to doing it justice!

Firstly, can we talk about this glorious station? Imagine, a station so charming and characterful it felt straight out of a Jane Austen novel! (Which, of course, I promptly spent my journey pretending I was a character from! Honestly, don't judge me!) And to make it even more wonderful, I arrived on a chilly but sunny morning, with the first hint of spring in the air. Honestly, I don't know what is more lovely, the sunshine or the fact I was dressed in my perfect little pink tutu with a black velvet trim!

Right, let me catch you up on the last couple of days. It's been a whirlwind of tutus and wildlife, oh darling, and trust me, you do not want to miss out on this one!

Tutu Adventures in the Big Smoke

I'm going to confess, I absolutely love a good train journey! It gives me time to reflect, listen to my favourite ballet playlist, write blog posts and of course, people-watch (because seriously, who doesn't love a good people-watching session?). The journey from my Derbyshire home to London was utterly delightful, made even more delightful thanks to the stunning vista that is the English countryside! Seriously, just take a moment to breathe in the rolling green hills, the sheep dotted all over like adorable fluffy dots on a green tablecloth, and those charming stone villages! Sigh It’s utterly magical.

But honestly, what really steals the show on the journey to London is the glimpse of the Houses of Parliament as you approach the capital. And I mean, c'mon! Even with the famous red double-decker busses whizzing around, nothing can compete with that breathtaking skyline and the view of that imposing landmark. Talk about taking my breath away!

Before arriving at my gorgeous hotel, tucked away in a quaint little side street in Chelsea, I had to pay a little visit to Covent Garden. For any ballet-loving soul (or, dare I say it, anyone who just likes beautiful architecture!), this truly is a magical place!

You know me, darling. I love the history of the Royal Opera House and just taking it all in. It was a chance to admire the gorgeous architecture of the Royal Opera House (did you know they’ve got a gorgeous glass ceiling? Seriously stunning!), maybe have a little daydream about starring in a ballet there (though we all know, this little ballerina from Derbyshire is pretty far removed from that stage!), and naturally, enjoy some street entertainment! Now, they might not be swans or arabesques, but let me tell you, watching some of those buskers in Covent Garden was practically ballet itself, such precision, artistry and movement, honestly! I was entranced!

After a lovely long walk, and an ice cream with a cute little French twist (seriously, who could resist a salted caramel flavour?), it was back to the hotel and a delightful, relaxing bath, with all those little pink bath salts (because even when I'm travelling, you'll find me enjoying the little luxuries!).

A Day on the Wild Side: Into the World of Welling's Wildlife

From London, my journey led me to Welling, where the real charm of this place lies in the simple fact it's so darn picturesque! The train ride, of course, was gorgeous. And even the station in Welling is delightful! Imagine a building bursting with history, a place that’s whispered stories of commuters and adventures over the years. Seriously, if that little station could talk, it’d have tales to tell that would blow your socks off, darling!

Once I settled into my little cottage with the cutest, fluffiest little pink duvet you can imagine (which I absolutely adored by the way! It was practically begging to be posed with my tutus!) I headed out to explore! Welling has the most charming High Street I’ve seen in ages, full of little quirky shops and restaurants that promise good times and delightful gossip (and dare I say, a little shopping indulgence)!

My heart truly soared when I saw Welling’s very own, utterly adorable Wildlife Centre. I must confess, I’m an absolute sucker for anything to do with wildlife, especially those wonderful feathered creatures we call birds! And oh my darling, Welling has birds in abundance! Honestly, if I didn’t already own half a dozen beautiful pink tutus (though there’s always room for one more!) I’d have been tempted to start my own wildlife ballet – birds flying and flitting through the trees, all in beautifully coordinated pink tutus, don’t you think it would be a truly exquisite sight!

But let’s not get carried away. I actually got to spend a magical afternoon watching these beautiful birds, squirrels playing among the trees, and some even more exotic animals (they even had a very regal peacock who, let me tell you, took the centre stage, literally strutting around in the most dazzling of poses! Just watch out, he’s a true drama queen).

It’s truly a little sanctuary and something I heartily recommend to all of you dear readers. Especially if, like me, you've had a long week (though let's face it, being a tutu-wearing ballet blogger, life is always pretty darn fabulous!).

Welling, Here’s Looking at You, Kid

Oh, Welling, I loved you more than words can say! This place has won a piece of my heart, darling! A beautiful mix of old and new, of rolling countryside and bustling market squares, this really is the most charming place to be! And darling, if there is anything more charming than exploring it all while dressed in a perfectly pretty pink tutu (that matches the flowers bursting forth from the hanging baskets! Talk about colour coordination!), I really don't know what it is!

Until next time, darlings. Stay pink and keep twirling!

#TutuBlog 2004-01-12 in Welling with a american style tutu.