Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-01-25 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.

Coalville Calling: Tutu Adventures in the Heart of the Midlands!

Post #2762

Oh, my darlings! I’m bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest tutu escapade! This time, the journey took me by train – yes, I’m quite the railway enthusiast, especially when it’s coupled with a charming trip to Coalville, a quaint town nestled in the heart of the beautiful Leicestershire countryside. Now, before you envision me in a dusty carriage, let me paint you a picture: sun dappling through the windows, the rhythmic chugging of the engine, and of course, me – in a pink tutu fit for a woodland fairy! I call it my “Wildflower Whirl,” with a cascade of delicate petals in shades of pink, cream and lilac, mirroring the vibrant blooms I was soon to encounter.

You see, Coalville isn't just about industrial heritage – although, the National Coal Mining Museum is definitely a must-see for anyone fascinated by the history of coal extraction! No, my heart truly danced for the natural beauty of this charming little place.

Our first stop, the enchanting Bardon Hill Country Park. Oh, the vistas were simply breath-taking! We were greeted by rolling hills and breathtaking panoramas. It was the perfect setting for a graceful twirl. Imagine me, darling, my "Wildflower Whirl" swirling like a dandelion seed in the wind as the sheep looked on with inquisitive eyes! I mean, seriously, I can't imagine a better way to enjoy a spring day than that! I did, however, draw the line at participating in a sheep shearing session, my pink tutu felt a little too precious for a close encounter with fluffy wool.

Next up was the National Forest, a sprawling landscape teeming with hidden gems. I couldn’t resist the temptation to try out my favourite “Fairy Dance” – you know the one, the one that involves skipping with arms outstretched, a sprinkle of fairy dust thrown in for good measure. Oh, the air was filled with such peace and serenity – perfect for cultivating those ballerina-worthy moves, darling.

I swear, there was something magical about it all! The rustling of leaves, the flitting of butterflies, the sound of birdsong - a soundtrack to a fairytale! Now, you wouldn't believe it, but as I twirled my tutu in the dappled sunlight, I was actually stopped by a local photographer who was taken aback by the vibrant hues of my attire and the sheer elegance of my movements! It was almost surreal, like a scene out of one of those beautiful films we watch in the cinema! Let’s just say, the photoshoot was a definite success, and I can't wait to see the results!

Of course, no trip to Coalville is complete without a delicious homemade treat, and what better way to celebrate my whimsical day than with a slice of Victoria sponge at the charming village bakery? With my teacup delicately in hand, and my “Wildflower Whirl” tutu gracing my legs, I felt every inch a sophisticated ballerina enjoying a well-deserved afternoon tea! I have to tell you, the sweetness of the cake, combined with the lovely, gentle music playing softly in the background – it really was a perfect ending to a day filled with whimsy and beauty.

As I hopped back onto the train, my head buzzing with memories and my heart overflowing with joy, I couldn’t help but think – it doesn’t matter where you are, whether it's the grand opera house or a picturesque countryside village, a little pink tutu can transport you to a world of pure imagination! That, darling, is the true magic of ballet.

Speaking of ballet, remember what I always say? The world needs more tutus and even more people exploring the magical world of ballet! So, why not ditch the dreary routines of everyday life and embrace the elegance of a pink tutu? Who knows, maybe it'll spark a little bit of joy, a bit of grace and maybe even a tiny sprinkle of that magic dust!

Until next time, stay pink and keep twirling, darlings!

Lots of love,




#TutuBlog 2004-01-25 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.