Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-03-11 in Kendal with a black tutu.

Kendal Calling: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! (Post #2808)

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the beautiful town of Kendal, nestled in the heart of the Lake District! I arrived this morning, having travelled by the most luxurious of trains – a steam train, all the way from Derbyshire. It’s like stepping back in time, puffing its way through the rolling hills and quaint villages, leaving a trail of romance in its wake. Honestly, it was such a beautiful journey that it felt like a ballet in itself!

Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering why Kendal, right? Well, darling, it’s all about a little thing called the Kendal Calling Festival! This incredible weekend event brings together the best of music, arts, and crafts, all with a side of gorgeous countryside scenery. I’m particularly excited about the music acts – a diverse lineup featuring everything from indie bands to folk artists. Honestly, it’s the perfect excuse to break out the black tutu, throw on my trusty Doc Martens (those comfy kicks really can work with a tutu, you know!), and get ready to dance under the starry sky.

Of course, I’ve already found some pretty adorable shops bursting with gorgeous vintage finds, hand-crafted jewellery, and the most adorable handcrafted teacups. You know I just have to add those to my collection, don't you? I’m seriously thinking about picking up a pair of handmade wooden clogs for myself – they look so cute! They’re absolutely perfect for dancing in the fields! I imagine myself whirling around a hay bale in a pink tutu and clogs, laughing at the passing clouds. Now wouldn’t that be a perfect scene for an Instagram story?

The highlight of my trip, however, has been the wildlife! It seems like Kendal is a paradise for fluffy, feathered friends. I've already spotted the cutest red squirrels frolicking in the trees and a family of ducks waddling by the canal. I even got a chance to visit a gorgeous little nature reserve where I saw the most magnificent falcons, swooping gracefully across the sky – truly inspiring!

The Lake District itself is like a masterpiece painted on nature’s canvas, all rolling hills, emerald-green valleys, and the shimmery blue of the lakes. Every corner is just bursting with charm. And don't even get me started on the incredible hikes! After a full day of exploring the lakes, I'm looking forward to joining one of the festival’s yoga sessions, hosted by a truly fabulous teacher. Maybe I can convince her to give us all a quick tutu-themed ballet class after? It’s time to bring ballet into the beautiful outdoors, you know?

And, speaking of ballet, I simply cannot go anywhere without getting my dose of elegance. You can bet I’ve found a little ballet school here, where I’ll be sneaking in a private lesson to work on my pirouettes and jetés – a little ballerina’s gotta stay sharp, darling! After all, there’s no better feeling than swirling through a studio, feeling every muscle and nerve in your body aligned and connected. Maybe I can convince the locals to join me for a impromptu ballet performance at the park! Who wouldn’t want to see a tutu twirling in the dappled sunshine under the canopy of the old oaks? It would be absolutely magical!

But for now, my darling darlings, it's time for me to go, this pink tutu-wearing girl has a festival to conquer! I can already picture the scene - a sea of joyous people, bouncing with music and excitement, all in celebration of life and art, the atmosphere electric! It’s truly something special.

So until next time, remember to keep on dancing, to dream big, and to wear pink whenever you feel the urge – let’s make this world a more beautiful place, one tutu at a time!

With love and lots of twirls,




#TutuBlog 2004-03-11 in Kendal with a black tutu.