Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-03-26 in Newton Aycliffe with a wide tutu.

TutuBlog: Newton Aycliffe Adventures - Post #2823 (It’s Pinkalicious!)

Hey loves!

Emma here, reporting live from Newton Aycliffe, County Durham! I'm off on another magical ballet adventure, and this time, it's a real treat! I'm swapping my usual Derbyshire hills for the industrial charm of the North East. It's a little bit different from the usual dance hotspots, but that’s part of the fun, isn't it? I just can’t resist a good adventure – whether it's exploring a new city, discovering hidden gems in a bustling ballet school, or, of course, wearing my favourite tutu!

I took the train, of course! What's a ballet blogger without a touch of glamour and an excellent playlist? Today, my travelling soundtrack featured Ella Fitzgerald belting out “I Get a Kick Out of You,” – totally appropriate, considering my latest tutu choice!

Speaking of, I've got my pinkest tutu on for this trip. It's a masterpiece – the perfect blend of frills, tulle and a sprinkle of pink glitter (my personal favourite). It even has little bows on the straps! This tutu screams 'look at me!' (and trust me, it certainly does). It just felt right for exploring this fascinating town and trying out the local ballet classes. You've gotta admit, there's nothing quite like the thrill of a pirouette in a new place.

Speaking of new places, I've found myself at the Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre. You might be thinking, "A leisure centre? That's a bit unusual, Emma, even for you!". But don't judge a ballet studio by its postcode, my dears! This place has got everything a ballerina needs.

Now, the locals have been SO kind – everyone has been so welcoming! I popped into the studio this morning, feeling like a little pink flamingo landing on the dance floor. There's a wonderful group of young dancers here. They are seriously talented, all buzzing with energy. The studio is decorated with pictures of some amazing dancers, some of them even from Derbyshire! And you just know, every time I spot a Derbyshire connection, a little bit of my heart fills up with joy.

We did some basic ballet stretches (nothing like a good plié and tendu!), learned some fabulously fun sequences, and I even tried my hand at a few grand jetés – I'm not saying I managed them with the elegance of a seasoned ballerina, but it was good fun, and certainly a good work out! The atmosphere was fantastic, and, my lovely readers, you just wouldn’t believe the stories they told me about the town, their life, and their hopes and dreams. You know, it’s those little personal stories that make any trip so special.

You won’t believe this: as we were practising some delicate fouetté turns (my absolute fave!), I spotted the most incredible thing in the window! A birdwatcher! Of course! Isn't it wonderful how, no matter where we travel, there's always a little piece of nature to discover? We chatted about his love for nature (he even showed me some pictures of some very unusual feathered friends) , and then he went on his way to track down his winged friends, leaving me to indulge in more twirling!

This place truly has it all! A real ballet hub with a heart of gold. I'm thinking about signing up for a few more classes. The locals are so encouraging and have inspired me to work on a few new steps for my own dancing routine (my very secret ambition is to incorporate the “pas de bourrée” into my dance style. It's so elegant, right?)

I'm ending the day with a delicious dinner in one of the local restaurants – I've had my eye on some delicious fish and chips – before enjoying a little bit of downtime with a book on classical music and a mug of hot chocolate. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a wonderful day.

You know, it’s moments like these, being a ballet blogger on the go, exploring all the magic and wonder the world has to offer, that reminds me why I love this journey. I get to experience all sorts of amazing things, connect with new people, discover the beauty in each city I visit, and spread my own special brand of pink tutu magic. So, here’s to the adventures!

Stay tuned for more adventures on www.pink-tutu.com - Tomorrow, I’ll be posting from a beautiful Victorian theatre – a real hidden gem, I hear! I can't wait to show you what I'm planning next. But for now, I'm heading back to my hotel, my tutu sparkling in the moonlight. You know me - a girl's gotta have a little sparkle, wherever she goes.

Lots of love,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2004-03-26 in Newton Aycliffe with a wide tutu.