Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-04-07 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.

Droitwich Sparkle: A Tutu Adventure (Post #2835)

Hello lovelies! 🩰💖

It’s Emma here, back from a delightful jaunt to Droitwich Spa! As you all know, I'm a firm believer in embracing every opportunity for tutu-fied travel, and this trip was no exception.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… Droitwich Spa? Not exactly the most glamorous of destinations, right? WRONG! It’s a little gem nestled in Worcestershire, full of charm and historical whispers, and, trust me, my tutu felt right at home amongst the pretty cobbled streets and quaint tearooms.

Speaking of which, let’s talk about my sartorial choice for this adventure! I went for a vibrant American-style tutu – you know, the kind that makes you feel like you’re a fluffy, twirling cloud. Think bold, bright pink tulle, just begging to be spun around in a light breeze (or a gentle gust of wind if you’re in the English countryside). 😉 The delightful pastel pink shade of this particular tutu was perfectly matched with my little pink silk top, with its sweet bow at the back. A dash of sparkles, because, well, every outfit deserves a bit of extra magic, and a dainty floral hairband finished off the look – a symphony of girlish charm, I daresay!

And what better way to arrive in Droitwich than by train, of course! I do love the romantic journey of the railways, don’t you? A steaming hot mug of tea, a captivating book (currently engrossed in Jane Eyre, I just can’t get enough of the Victorian era!) and the rhythmic clickety-clack of the train wheels… It’s enough to transport me to a whimsical wonderland, which is perhaps fitting given my tulle attire!

Droitwich Spa is renowned for its salt-rich brine springs. Imagine my delight at finding a traditional pump room! Now, I won’t pretend it was a graceful ballet move, but there I was, with my American-style tutu flowing around me, trying to gracefully lower myself to fill a bottle with the supposedly therapeutic brine. Laughter ensued, of course! Thankfully, I'm not one for shying away from a little bit of whimsy!

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, painting the sky with shades of peach and lavender, we strolled around the town’s charming streets. A stop for a delicate teacup filled with Earl Grey at a picturesque tearoom was an absolute must. Let’s just say that those scrumptious scones practically melted in my mouth! Every bite felt like a delicate waltz! 🩰

As the twilight settled, a delightful surprise awaited us: a free open-air performance by a local theatre group! I’m sure you can imagine my glee when I spotted an element of ballet woven into the performance. It wasn't your typical pointe-shoes-and-tutus kind of dance, but it definitely brought out a smile in my ballerina heart. My little tutu swayed along to the enchanting music, echoing the graceful movements on stage.

The next day, we embarked on a leisurely walk by the Droitwich Canal, enjoying the scenic views and soaking up the peaceful ambiance. Now, I don’t mean to brag (okay, maybe a little!), but I managed to create some truly fabulous photo-op moments. Imagine: a pink tutu and a quaint canal backdrop! Pure magic, right? You can check them out on my Instagram (@pinktutuemma), I just know you'll adore them!

One thing I couldn't resist exploring was Droitwich's wonderful wildlife! We saw the most adorable ducks, frolicking in the canal, and a mischievous squirrel, which seemed almost to wink at me from a nearby tree! They reminded me of those lovely ballet performers - light, nimble and effortlessly graceful. And then, my eyes were drawn to the magnificent, regal swans gliding gracefully across the water… Oh, they were truly the embodiment of ballet, their every movement was a graceful symphony!

As my trip drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. I’d embraced Droitwich’s unique charm, but I was also a bit heartbroken to leave my darling American-style tutu behind. It felt like a friend who’d been with me through a delightful, little adventure. But, hey, every adventure has to end sometime, right?

Here’s a thought-provoking question for all of you: what is your favourite travel companion? It could be a friend, a family member, or even, like me, a magnificent tutu! Tell me all about it in the comments section below!

Until next time, lovelies, stay sparkly and never be afraid to embrace a little pink in your life. After all, life’s a beautiful dance, and wearing a tutu can make it even more delightful. 💖🩰

Love always,

Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for my daily ballet ramblings, and follow me on Instagram (@pinktutuemma) for a glimpse into my tutu-tastic life!

#TutuBlog 2004-04-07 in Droitwich with a american style tutu.