Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-08-06 in Littlehampton with a black tutu.

Littlehampton Calling: A Black Tutu Adventure!

Post #2956

Hey everyone! It's Emma here, ready to whisk you away to the beautiful seaside town of Littlehampton, where the sun shines as brightly as my pink tutu... well, almost. Today, I decided to switch things up with a black tutu! Yep, you heard that right. A black tutu. I know, I know, I'm shocking everyone.

But hey, sometimes a girl needs a change, right? I mean, I’ve got this pink tutu obsession going on – it’s basically the official uniform of my soul, a little dose of sunshine that I can never get enough of. But, for today, it felt right to embrace a little mystery and elegance. Black isn’t the most shocking colour, though I think if anyone’s going to wear it it should be me. And Littlehampton, with its bustling seafront and picturesque harbour, seemed like the perfect backdrop for a bit of a dare to be different moment.

Oh, the journey there! It was such a magical ride on the train. I do love those little compartments and looking out the window as the countryside flashes by, seeing all the wildlife along the way – squirrels scampering up trees, cheeky magpies checking me out, and even a fluffy bunny hopping in the fields. I had my trusty notebook open, scribbling down a new dance routine that I came up with – inspired by the swaying fields, the gentle breeze blowing my hair, and, of course, a bit of black tutu magic.

When I arrived at Littlehampton, the air was so crisp, so fresh – a perfect antidote to the slightly more manic rhythm of city life. I knew this was the place for a walk along the pier. I twirled, oh yes, I twirled along the promenade, my black tutu flowing in the sea breeze. Every head turned, eyes lit up with wonder, smiles stretched across their faces. Maybe it wasn’t just the seaside air doing its work, maybe it was my black tutu spreading its own special kind of magic. Or, maybe it was me, ha! It's hard to resist my bubbly, chatty self.

But enough about my own grand entrances. Littlehampton had a lot to offer! The first thing that grabbed my attention was the Littlehampton Museum, which turned out to be an absolute treasure trove of local history and maritime tales. Did you know there’s an entire shipwreck collection there? Fascinating stuff, it made me think of all the stories the ocean holds!

Of course, I couldn’t miss out on the Littlehampton Harbour! Seeing all those colourful boats bobbing in the water, and the seagulls gracefully dipping and diving, gave me this overwhelming sense of freedom and joy. It's no wonder this seaside gem attracts so many visitors each year.

I found this sweet little cafe tucked away near the harbour called "The Harbour Light", where I had the most delicious lunch – freshly made fish and chips. Of course, I couldn’t resist treating myself to a scoop of local ice cream while savoring the sunshine. The day simply called for indulging in the simpler pleasures in life.

I wandered further, taking in the local shops, antique boutiques with treasures galore, and all the charming independent stores selling everything from beautiful, handcrafted jewellery to local artwork and pottery.

But you know, it's the little things that truly make a place special. The laughter of children playing on the beach, the warm greetings from friendly locals, the gentle lull of the waves crashing against the shore – those are the sounds and sights that made my time in Littlehampton truly magical. The whole vibe just radiates positivity and tranquility.

As the evening descended, casting its gentle spell across Littlehampton, I decided to head to the Littlehampton Harbour, watching as the setting sun painted the sky with hues of gold, pink, and purple. And that's when I found a surprise!

Tucked away in a little corner, hidden from the hustle and bustle of the waterfront, was a tiny, quaint theatre. A perfect gem of a place. On the outside, a humble, almost secretive charm, on the inside... pure, magical energy! The theatre lights glowed, creating an ethereal ambiance, and a soft melody of a piano piece spilled out onto the harbour path. There was something incredibly intriguing about this hidden spot.

A little girl, maybe ten years old, walked out of the theatre with a worn copy of 'Sleeping Beauty' under her arm, the book worn with love, and she grinned up at the moon as she ran off towards the beach. The scene was straight out of a whimsical fairy tale.

Of course, I had to find out what was going on, what kind of magical story was brewing behind the theatrical glow. A few steps closer, and I saw a sign: "Littlehampton Players: The Nutcracker".

It all just fell into place – the ballet theme, the delightful little girl, the moonbeams dancing on the water… Littlehampton, you have my heart!

As the day faded, I found myself twirling down the quiet streets, with my black tutu billowing like a whisper of night, the echoes of the theatre piano lingering in the air. It’s funny, a bit of black doesn't detract from my love of all things pink. The magic's still there, and in my own little way, I was spreading that same kind of enchantment, sharing my joy of dance with anyone who crossed my path, maybe encouraging them to pick up their own tutu, or give a ballet class a try. Because, if Littlehampton can make a ballet dancer's heart skip a beat with a black tutu, who knows what magical adventure awaits everyone else.

Off to my next adventure, and remember to always let your light shine, like a beautiful black tutu twirling in the moonlit sky. And who knows? Maybe we’ll be crossing paths soon!


Until tomorrow!


Emma. xx

#TutuBlog 2004-08-06 in Littlehampton with a black tutu.