Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-08-28 in Scarborough with a red tutu.

Scarborough Sparkle: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Post #2978)

Hello my lovely Tutu-ettes! 🩰

It’s Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Scarborough, and let me tell you, it was a real pink-tutu-tastic experience! 🦩

Now, as many of you know, I’m a Derbyshire girl through and through. You can’t get much further north than the Peak District, which is where I call home. But this weekend, I took a little journey eastwards, opting for a classic train trip for a change. And let’s be honest, there’s something utterly glamorous about travelling by rail, particularly when you’re dressed for the occasion. 🚄

My trusty red tutu - you all know the one! - twirled merrily beside me in the carriage, its tulle practically brushing the seats of the elderly gentleman opposite, who must have been thoroughly baffled by the spectacle! I can’t resist adding a little splash of colour and whimsy wherever I go! 😂

Scarborough welcomed me with open arms, a proper seaside resort that really lived up to its reputation. The bracing sea air, the smell of fish and chips, the charming little shops... it felt like stepping back in time.

Of course, I had a strict schedule to adhere to. It was, after all, a pink-tutu pilgrimage, and this was a very special one! You see, my journey was inspired by the Scarborough Summer Festival.

Now, as you know, my love for all things ballet is unwavering. From elegant classics at the Royal Opera House to the vibrant energy of street dance performances, I devour it all! 🩰

So when I heard about the Scarborough Summer Festival, which was hosting a ballet company called “Ballet in Motion”, I knew I had to be there. The opportunity to witness a professional ballet performance right there on the Scarborough beach was a chance I couldn’t miss! 🌊

The afternoon of the performance dawned, and with a nervous excitement in my chest and my red tutu twirling just as vigorously, I headed down to the beach.

The stage was simple, a wooden platform bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. And in front of me stretched the audience, families sprawled out on blankets, couples holding hands, tourists taking in the scene…

It was breathtaking! And as the music soared and the dancers moved with breathtaking grace, I was mesmerized.

It wasn’t your traditional ballet venue - no chandeliered theatre or velvet seating here - but it was perfect! The dancers embraced the open-air space, their leaps and twirls captivating the audience and bringing a touch of magic to the simple beauty of the beach.

Later, after the show, I was lucky enough to chat with one of the dancers. She explained the unique challenges of performing outdoors - wind, sand, and seagulls are not a dancer's best friends! However, she said that the energy of the crowd was amazing, and I certainly felt it too.

After a perfect beachside dinner - fish and chips, naturally! - I retired to my room at a charming little B&B, all cozy and seaside chic. And even there, the spirit of Scarborough wasn't far behind. I found a small shop tucked away in a cobbled alley selling delicate seashells.

As a true pink-tutu girl, you know how much I love to incorporate natural elements into my outfits, so I snagged a few - a beautiful pearl-white scallop and a little shell the shape of a ballerina's shoe!

That evening, my bed was adorned with a tutu-inspired bed canopy made from delicate tulle I’d picked up at a charming craft shop. And I drifted off to sleep to the gentle murmur of the sea, feeling a wave of contentment washing over me.

Of course, I wouldn’t be a true travel blogger if I didn’t sample the local delicacies. Scarborough is renowned for its fresh fish and its traditional seaside treats, and I embraced both with gusto! 🐟🍦

Fish and chips were devoured with delight (a quintessential experience!), and I sampled some Scarborough Rock - a hard candy that is locally made. It was sweet, crunchy, and the perfect souvenir!

My journey to Scarborough wasn't just about the ballet; it was about rediscovering the joys of a traditional British seaside town. The atmosphere was buzzing with life, and the charm of the place was palpable.

I'm not gonna lie, though; I'm missing that Derbyshire air already! There's just something about the wide open spaces of the Peak District that feels like home. But before I head back to the hills and valleys, I wanted to share one last thought.

As I twirled down the beach in my red tutu, I felt a sense of liberation, a joy in expressing myself freely. And that, my dear Tutu-ettes, is what I want to inspire in all of you!

No matter where you are, wear that pink tutu with pride! Embrace the magic of dance, whatever form it takes. And remember, life's a stage, so make every step count.

Stay stylish, stay fabulous, and stay Tutu-licious! 💖




#TutuBlog 2004-08-28 in Scarborough with a red tutu.