
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-10-06 in Herne Bay with a modern tutu.

Herne Bay: A Tutu-licious Day Out! (Post #3017)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing travel enthusiast, Emma, here! Iā€™m coming to you live from Herne Bay, a quaint seaside town on the Kent coast. This has been a dream trip for a while now ā€“ Iā€™ve been longing to explore this charming area, and, of course, it was an excellent opportunity to bust out a fabulous tutu and spin a bit by the sea!

Now, I know what you're thinking: ā€œEmma, travelling by trainā€¦ boring, right?ā€ WRONG! I absolutely adore train journeys. Something about watching the world rush by through the window, a good book in hand and a cheeky afternoon tea, just gets my creative juices flowing. And, letā€™s face it, a train journey is so much more environmentally friendly than a car, so we can all feel a bit better about being fabulously chic!

Anyway, as I settled into my comfy seat, I realised I'd forgotten my favourite travel accessory ā€“ my fluffy pink rabbit toy! I thought heā€™d be feeling lonely back home, and, honestly, who doesn't love a bit of extra pink fluff on a train journey? I decided heā€™d join me for the trip, and as we were leaving Derby, a little cheeky robin came hopping along the platform, his bright little red chest peeking out like a little pink ballerinaā€™s red ribbon. He hopped right up to the train window, looking directly at my bunny, and then gave me the most charming, cheeky little wink! How delightful! Itā€™s definitely going to be a fab day out already.

Speaking of delightful, Herne Bay was even prettier than Iā€™d imagined! It's got the perfect mix of Victorian seaside charm, quaint little cafes with fluffy cakes and clotted cream, and a coastline perfect for strolling in my custom-made pink tutu. The breeze whipping through my tulle was so wonderfully ethereal, and the vibrant turquoise blue of the sea against the delicate pink of my skirtā€¦ absolutely divine!

I couldnā€™t resist doing a little twirl by the pier, just to soak in the ambiance and catch the attention of a few delighted onlookers. It's just so much fun to share a little bit of the magic of ballet with everyone, wherever I go! I actually had a sweet little girl run up to me and tell me how she'd been wanting to try ballet ever since seeing me spin at the Derby station, all thanks to my super fluffy pink tutu. It truly warms my heart!

After all that dancing, I thought I deserved a treat. A warm, homemade slice of lemon drizzle cake paired with a good pot of Earl Grey tea and a few cheeky scone crumbs dusted on my tutu (I confess I can be a little messy when it comes to cake) is my idea of a perfect afternoon snack. Sitting there, looking out over the waves, I noticed a charming little group of ladies taking a yoga class on the beach. Their graceful movements were absolutely breathtaking - they were truly embodied their connection with nature. Itā€™s truly inspiring seeing women of all ages find joy and movement in so many ways.

For me, that's the heart of ballet ā€“ it's more than just beautiful moves, itā€™s about freedom, creativity and embracing joy in every moment. And if I can inspire even one person to give ballet a go, or simply to feel more confident and empowered by wearing pink, well, that's all the validation I need.

Before leaving, I popped into a beautiful local bookstore with its windows full of antique, colourful books. I found a stunning old ballet textbook, complete with gorgeous illustrations and charming vintage stories, that I absolutely HAD to have! Itā€™s already adding a dash of whimsical beauty to my bedroom shelf, reminding me of the sheer joy I found today.

As I boarded the train home, I was absolutely buzzing with inspiration, ready to translate this fabulous Herne Bay energy into a whole new array of dance routines and outfits. The journey back was just as charming, with my furry rabbit keeping me company. We both nodded off to sleep for a few minutes, lulled by the gentle rhythm of the tracks.

And guess what? Even on the return train, there was another delightful surprise. As we pulled into a little village, I spotted the most incredible sight: a tiny, but gorgeous, herd of horses grazing on the land beside the tracks! The sunshine reflected off their coats, sending a shimmering gold light through my tutu. It felt as if I had stumbled into a storybook!

Back home in Derby, I sat down at my little writing desk with a warm cup of chamomile tea and started pouring my heart out, putting all of this day's magic and memories into these words for you. I really do love being able to share this beautiful journey with you!

So, if youā€™re feeling inspired, I challenge you to embrace a little whimsy today! Wear that vibrant pink outfit, try a little ballet twirl in your garden, or simply find joy in the small details that surround you.

And as always, don't forget to spread the love and inspire others to dance to their own rhythm! Remember, my darlings, weā€™re all ballerinas in our own unique ways. Until next time!

Love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2004-10-06 in Herne Bay with a modern tutu.