Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-01-16 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.

Aberdeen Calling: A Tutu Tale (Post #3119)

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, and I'm writing to you from the most enchanting city in Scotland: Aberdeen! I know, I know, Scotland doesn't exactly scream "tutu," but trust me, there's a certain wild beauty to this city that has my heart skipping a beat… much like a pirouette!

The journey up was simply magical. I swapped the usual train for something a bit more exhilarating: a ride on a magnificent grey stallion. (Don't worry, Mum, I had my trusty helmet on!). The wind whipping through my hair, the sound of hooves on cobblestone... pure poetry in motion! And when I reached Aberdeen, it felt like I had stepped right into a storybook. The grey granite buildings, the sparkling coastline, even the gulls circling overhead, it was all just so utterly romantic.

And Aberdeen is the perfect place to indulge my latest tutu obsession - a magnificent creation I found in Rome! A masterpiece in dusty pink with the most intricate embroidery. It's the kind of tutu that demands to be seen on a stage, in the middle of the most dazzling choreography! (Speaking of which, I saw the most breathtaking performance at the Aberdeen Performing Arts Theatre last night! Ballet, naturally! I just have to tell you about it...)

A Ballet Bonanza

I’d heard whispered tales of a new production of Swan Lake at the theatre, and, darling, let me tell you, these whispers did not do the magic of this performance justice. The ballet was set in a fairytale world, with delicate set designs that practically floated above the stage, shimmering with ethereal lights. The swans were graceful as swans, the prince, oh darling, the prince... I almost wished I could step into the stage and dance with him!

But even without the prince, the performance itself was an inspiration. I caught myself mimicking the steps and extensions in my seat, I was that mesmerized! And, for the grand finale, they had an incredible group of dancers wearing beautiful pink tutus, similar in style to mine! Honestly, it was the most delightful touch of synchronicity.

Exploring Aberdeen's Secret Spots

The day after the performance, I set out to explore Aberdeen. This beautiful city is bursting with history, and its unique cobbled streets and Victorian architecture take you right back to another time. I spent hours wandering through the Old Town, my pink tutu swirling around me (the only tutu in sight!), and I just soaked it all in. The friendly folk in their cozy cafes, the vibrant markets, the charming old houses, all contributing to that enchanting atmosphere I mentioned before.

Aberdeen’s Hidden Wildlife Jewels

I wasn’t going to leave Aberdeen without experiencing its nature. After a delicious fish supper at one of the waterfront restaurants, (the freshest hake I’ve ever had!), I headed for the wild expanse of the Cairngorms National Park, a true wonder of Scotland. I knew I wanted to experience this park in the most special way - horseback riding, of course! I donned my most flattering pink riding outfit and, perched atop a powerful bay mare, explored the sweeping landscape. The wind whipped through my hair as we galloped through a golden sea of heather, past babbling brooks and breathtaking viewpoints. It was breathtaking, to say the least!

I couldn’t believe the number of wild deer grazing in the park! They looked so peaceful as they grazed under the watchful gaze of the towering mountains. A touch of serenity I wasn’t expecting. I have to confess I almost let out a squeal of delight when I spotted a majestic red squirrel, a tiny creature, so at home in this natural haven. The Cairngorms were a world of pure natural beauty.

From pink tutu to the great outdoors: A Scottish Embrace

Aberdeen’s energy is simply captivating, it’s the perfect blend of historic grandeur and natural wonder. I couldn't have asked for a better start to the year. It was like an elegant, fairytale journey for my pink-tutu-loving heart! And I know I’ve said it before, but it’s important to repeat: every experience should be celebrated in pink!

Pink Tutu Inspiration of the Day:

Embrace the whimsy! Ballet isn’t just about fancy footwork, it’s about expressing your inner joy. This is my mission: To help you embrace your inner ballerina and wear a pink tutu with pride! Who needs a prince when you can own your own fairytale? And remember, even if your closest ballet studio is across the world, a trip to the ballet or an online ballet class is an exciting way to tap into this captivating art form. It doesn't have to be a Swan Lake or a Bolshoi performance, just dance, darling, just dance!

Stay sparkly, stay sassy, and wear your pink tutu with pride. Love,




#TutuBlog 2005-01-16 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.