Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-01-27 in York with a pink tutu.

York: Tutu-ing Around the City Walls! (Post #3130)

Hello darlings! Emma here, back from a fabulous trip to York, a city that's truly stolen my heart!

You know how much I love a good train journey, and this one was no exception. The countryside just whizzed by in a blur of greens and browns, with fluffy sheep dotted here and there. I actually managed to snag a window seat, which made me feel like I was in a fairytale (because, honestly, who doesn't love a good fairytale journey, right?).

Speaking of fairytales, I just had to wear my new pink tutu. It’s a soft, fluffy cloud of a tutu, and the perfect shade of blush pink, you know, the kind that makes you feel like a princess. I topped it off with a little lace cardigan and some ballet flats, for that added touch of grace. Because let's be honest, a girl can never go wrong with a little bit of pink!

Arriving in York, the city just felt… magical. The cobblestone streets, the quaint little shops, the towering York Minster (just breath-taking!) - everything seemed to shimmer with history and romance. The air was crisp and the smell of freshly baked pastries wafted from every corner, filling me with an intense urge to try them all!

Now, the biggest dilemma I faced was – what to do first? My inner child wanted to explore the city walls, so we decided to walk along those magnificent stones. It felt amazing to be surrounded by centuries of history, knowing all the stories the stones could tell. And, as luck would have it, I spotted a little tea room nestled amongst the houses near the walls. You can't go to York without having a good cuppa!

Their tea selection was extensive (almost as extensive as my tutu collection!), so naturally, I had to indulge in a proper English afternoon tea. A few perfectly dainty sandwiches, a delicate, flower-shaped scone with clotted cream (yum!) and, of course, a steaming cup of Earl Grey. I swear, there's no better combination!

Afternoon tea complete, we headed to York Minster. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the sheer size and intricate beauty of this ancient cathedral. We took a peek inside and I was immediately drawn to the stained-glass windows – so stunning! The light streaming through them painted the interior in the most breathtaking colours. It was almost as magical as the rainbow I saw after a lovely downpour, a few weeks back.

Of course, I had to document it all – Instagram was overflowing with pictures! My little pink tutu made quite an appearance in the Minster too – the colour seemed to complement the ancient stone so beautifully, if I may say so myself!

After our Minster visit, we walked to the famous Shambles, a historic street known for its quirky shops and charming old houses that were actually designed for shopkeepers, all with the most beautiful half-timbered architecture. If I lived here, I'd absolutely have my ballet classes in a place like this!

Being surrounded by history and stories in this magical city, I couldn’t help but daydream about all the ballerina stories I could write. And wouldn’t it be incredible to set one in the majestic York Minster itself, with the story unfolding amongst the intricate architecture and captivating stained-glass? Imagine a scene with a young ballerina who dances amidst the vibrant colors and shadows of the windows… My mind’s already buzzing with ideas!

One of my favorite experiences though was meeting a majestic white horse in a meadow, just outside York. I know it sounds crazy, but my life's dream is to ride a horse, maybe even dance with one, to find that perfect, ethereal harmony with nature. So meeting him, his majestic head turning to me, almost as if we understood each other, made my day!

Of course, being in York wouldn't be complete without visiting a few cute little shops – my favourite one was called "Pink Petals", it felt almost tailor made for me! I bought the most amazing silk scarf with tiny pink rosebuds embroidered on it.

I even stopped by the Shambles, that famous historic street that I’ve heard so much about. Honestly, the houses were amazing! It almost felt like a set from a period film. But I wasn't so interested in the shops as I was in the incredible medieval buildings! The atmosphere in that street just captivated me.

Speaking of captivating atmospheres, my last night in York was spent in the most amazing old theatre. They put on an incredible production of Swan Lake, and, honestly, it was magical. The performance was absolutely phenomenal - the dancers, the music, everything was just… breathtaking!

Now, after my whirlwind trip, I'm back in Derbyshire, and I'm already dreaming about my next trip, maybe a horseback ride to the Peak District, and I’m planning to add my very own tutu class, incorporating ballet with my love of nature! Maybe some of you would be interested? I’ll share more about it soon.

As for today, I'm busy planning my ballet outfit for tomorrow. A ballerina has to keep up appearances, after all. And remember, darlings, never underestimate the power of a pink tutu – it has the magical ability to brighten any day!

See you soon, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2005-01-27 in York with a pink tutu.