Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-06-09 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.

Bridgwater Bound: Pink Tutu Travels - Post #3263

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Bridgwater, Somerset, and guess what? I got to wear my new pink tutu! Yep, you heard right, another beautiful ballerina-esque creation for my ever-growing tutu collection. This one was all ruffles and shimmer, practically begging to be twirled on stage, but alas, the Bridgwater ballet company decided on a more traditional piece for their performance tonight. No complaints here though, as I still get to wear my tutu! It's the very least I deserve after a day of railway travel and adventures in this charming little town.

My journey started bright and early with a steam train ride from my beloved Derbyshire. I must confess, the sight of rolling hills, fields dotted with sheep, and little red double-decker buses passing by really puts me in a dreamy mood. The rumble of the train, the gentle swaying of the carriages - it’s the perfect ballet class for my soul, don’t you think? Especially when coupled with a book by Jane Austen and a little box of strawberry tarts. Bliss!

As the steam train chugged along, I took the opportunity to indulge in a bit of wildlife spotting, because every adventure is more magical when accompanied by the beauty of nature. It's no secret I'm a bit of a birdwatcher – I especially love watching graceful herons wading through the shallows. Sadly, I only saw a fleeting glimpse of a handsome grey squirrel, but hey, I can't have it all, can I?

Upon reaching Bridgwater, I took a stroll along the river, admiring the quaint houses and shops, enjoying the bustling atmosphere and the tantalising smell of fresh sea air. It reminded me of my trip to the Isle of Wight, and the majestic beaches dotted with wildflowers and seaside cafes. Now that was an adventure for the ages! Maybe I should do a blog post about that… but let’s stay focused on Bridgwater for now.

My destination for the afternoon was the delightful little theatre, nestled right in the heart of the town. What a treasure it is! The building oozes history, from its imposing façade to the warm, intimate space within. It’s truly a little jewel of a venue.

I have to tell you, you simply must experience the joy of seeing a performance in a theatre like this one! It’s almost like stepping back in time – the gentle hum of the theatre, the hushed whispers before the curtain rises, the palpable anticipation. There’s magic in these places, magic that fills your soul and sparks your imagination!

The company’s choice of ballet was ‘Giselle’, which, for those of you who don't know, is a beautifully romantic story of love, betrayal and madness. I must admit, I have a weakness for dramatic and tragic tales like these, though they usually end with me weeping buckets into my tissue box!

The dancing was exquisite. It truly was the pinnacle of elegance and athleticism, showcasing the graceful fluidity of movement, the expressive power of each step, and the perfect unison of the entire troupe. It was breathtaking! I think my heart still flutters a little whenever I recall the effortless elegance of the lead dancers, the heart-stopping leaps, and the sheer passion conveyed by every movement.

I even got to meet some of the dancers after the performance! They were just as lovely in person as they were on stage. I spent a good hour chatting about all things ballet with them, sharing stories of my own little tutu-wearing adventures. One thing I learned from the lovely Laura is that they sometimes take inspiration for their costumes from everyday objects, including my favourite things: teacups, flowers, and yes, you guessed it, tutus! I can't wait to see their next piece, and how it draws inspiration from these delightful details.

So, to my darling readers, remember, a little bit of magic exists in the most unexpected places. If you are a ballet enthusiast, like I am, take the plunge and experience the joy of a theatre performance, where stories are told in the most beautiful and expressive of ways. But, if ballet isn’t your thing, that’s alright too! Try a new adventure, take a train ride, go see a film, visit a new town – go out and experience life, and don’t forget to bring a bit of pink into it! You just never know what magical experience awaits you, so go forth and let your tutus fly!

Catch you later lovelies!




#TutuBlog 2005-06-09 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.