Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-06-16 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.

Cleethorpes Calling! A Wide Tutu and a Pink Dream (Blog Post #3270)

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the gorgeous seaside town of Cleethorpes! Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Cleethorpes? Emma, darling, surely not!” But trust me, this little seaside haven has stolen my heart, and I’m going to tell you why, in true pink-tutu fashion, of course.

This adventure started with a jaunty journey by train from my little Derbyshire home. I packed my trusty pink travel tutu, a whole bag full of frothy tulle skirts and shimmering ballet shoes (one must always be prepared!), and a suitcase stuffed with the most beautiful shades of pink - a pink paradise on wheels!

Cleethorpes itself is a joy to behold. The smell of salty air, the bustling beach with its brightly coloured deckchairs, the sound of seagulls calling... It's like a scene straight out of a whimsical ballet! Imagine me pirouetteing on the golden sand, twirling with the wind in my tutu, and the crashing waves as my rhythmic music!

But Cleethorpes has a secret gem: The Cleethorpes Nature Reserve! I'm absolutely besotted with all things wildlife, and this little haven of nature is pure magic. There were playful seals basking on the rocks, sea birds soaring high in the sky, and even the most delightful fluffy bunny rabbits hopping about.

I even met a young woman on my visit who works at the reserve! We had a delightful chat about the incredible wildlife and the importance of protecting it. She was wearing a blush-pink headband, which made my heart sing!

It seems, my lovelies, that the love for pink is as universal as the love for nature itself.

Of course, my trip wasn’t just about wildlife. The moment I set foot in Cleethorpes, my imagination started swirling with visions of dance. My pink tutu seemed to practically float in the sea breeze, begging for a graceful twirl. I imagined a performance on the pier, with the setting sun painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore accompanying my every movement. Oh, the magic!

So, I indulged in my favourite thing to do in any town: a ballet class! Luckily, I discovered a charming studio hidden in a quiet backstreet, and let me tell you, my dears, this class was divine! I pirouetted, I jetéed, and I leaped through the air, with the feeling of the pink sea air on my face. The other students were such delightful ladies, with all their different styles and interpretations of the moves. They even encouraged me to wear my tutu for class, which, let me assure you, added a delightful dash of pink to the proceedings.

I discovered, my lovely ballet buddies, that even a tiny seaside town like Cleethorpes can be a perfect destination for a ballet-loving traveller like myself. I left Cleethorpes feeling like I’d had a magical adventure, leaving my pink footprint on its shores and spreading the gospel of dance.

Remember, my darling readers, that every day is an opportunity for a beautiful pirouette. Whether you’re frolicking on the beach, sipping tea in a cafe, or going about your day-to-day, just take a moment to find your inner dancer. Don’t be afraid to express your own unique beauty, your own dazzling grace, in whatever way brings you joy.

Remember, you are beautiful, you are unique, and you are perfectly perfect! Now go out there and wear that pink tutu with pride, ladies! You’ll be spreading joy and inspiring others to dance their hearts out!

Until next time, my lovelies!

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2005-06-16 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.