Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-08-02 in Deal with a pink tutu.

#TutuBlog: Brighton Belle (Post 3317)

Oh, hello my darling tutu-lovers! It’s Emma here, writing to you from the beautiful seaside town of Brighton. You’ll have to forgive my slight tardiness in getting this blog post up - you see, I got caught up in a whirlwind of ballet and brilliance yesterday. It all started with a trip to the Royal Pavilion, a grand old building in Brighton, with intricate carvings and a truly breathtaking colour scheme. You know me - I simply couldn't resist snapping a few pictures in my favourite pink tutu amongst the royal grandeur.

You’d think the Pavilion would be the most amazing thing I’ve seen, wouldn’t you? Well, you’d be wrong, my dears, because it wasn't! This happened: I stepped into the ballroom - the light, the grandeur, the sheer magical atmosphere of the place just sent me into a state of absolute ballet bliss! I pictured ballerinas waltzing and twirling, their tulle skirts swirling around them in a dreamy cloud of pink, white and ivory - it was an utterly unforgettable vision! It even spurred me on to seek out a dance studio in Brighton so I could unleash my inner ballerina with a good old-fashioned ballet class, complete with barre and pliĂ©s! (How’s that for a little dose of ballet jargon for the day?!).

The best bit? Right at the end of the class, while my legs were still shaking (from a little too much port de bras, I admit!) , the dance studio door swung open, and a man, rather dapperly dressed, asked me if I would like to join a theatrical performance! Honestly, darling, you could have knocked me over with a feather boa! I just knew it was going to be the start of an exciting adventure.

The man explained that they needed a 'bright, charming, slightly mad woman' for a new play about the history of Brighton. They liked my infectious smile (the effect of a morning full of fouettĂ©s , maybe?!) and my tutu, which just had to feature in the play, they said. He didn’t even bat an eyelid when I explained my little “pink-tutu-for-everyone” ambition, he simply gave a hearty laugh and asked when I could start rehearsals! It was quite the day, let me tell you.

Speaking of ambition, darling, remember the 'pink-tutu' trend I was trying to launch? Well, it seems to be spreading like wildfire! A whole group of young girls dressed in pink tutus stopped me for a chat on the Brighton pier. I can’t help but feel like it’s spreading like magic and that people are starting to embrace a little more fun and frivolity in their lives! Now, it’s up to us, my dear tutu-lovers, to spread the message. And how better to do that than with a glorious dose of tutu-clad adventures and a few more ballet shenanigans?!

I'm starting to think there's a little bit of magic to be found in the most unexpected places - like Brighton. Just when I thought I had discovered my dream place, another one popped up! But don’t worry, I’ll tell you all about it in the next post - this little blog needs a rest! Until next time, darlings. Keep twirling!

P.S Did I mention the seagulls here are so tame?! I fed some crisps to a little fluffy fella today! And I’ll tell you a secret
 I’ve found a brilliant place where I can learn to ride. (Just like My Fair Lady! Do you think I’ll fall for a grumpy-looking professor in a horse-drawn carriage?) Who knows where I'll end up! Brighton? A fairytale horse ride? Or, more importantly, wearing my pinkest tutu ?! Stay tuned to find out!

Glossary of ballet terms: * Barre : a railing in a ballet studio that dancers use for exercises * Plié : a bending of the knees * Port de bras : an arm movement * Fouettés : a whipping movement of the leg

#TutuBlog 2005-08-02 in Deal with a pink tutu.