Post #3373
Well, hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast, coming to you live from sunny (okay, slightly cloudy) Norwich! I’ve just finished a delightful lunch of a delicious smoked salmon bagel with a side of beetroot salad – the pink was, of course, a major factor in the selection. As usual, I’m in my bestest tutu. Today, I’m rocking a fluffy pink number with little silver sequins, perfect for strolling the cobbled streets of Norwich and taking in the sights.
Let’s rewind a little. The journey itself was half the fun. Instead of the usual train journey, I opted for a delightful jaunt on horseback! I must confess, I’ve always harbored a secret dream of being a galloping heroine, and riding through the countryside on a magnificent steed just feels SO glamorous!
Once I arrived in Norwich, my heart went aflutter. This quaint little city is simply bursting with charm, with its lovely old architecture, winding streets and delightful little cafes and tea shops. Honestly, darling, the whole place practically oozed romance. My hotel, a converted townhouse, had these beautiful windows that opened out onto a tiny cobbled courtyard. I couldn't help but imagine myself as a heroine in a period drama, all swishing tulle and giggles.
I was in Norwich for a ballet performance. The theater was absolutely magnificent, with velvet curtains, balconies adorned with twinkling lights, and plush red velvet seats that practically begged you to sink in.
I’m sure you all know the joy of watching a ballet live. There’s just something magical about the graceful movement, the emotive storytelling, and the sheer brilliance of these athletic and expressive dancers. And, you’re all dying to know this – the choreographer incorporated a tutu section into the performance. I’m telling you, every single one was in pink. We did our best to dance along in our seats (some of us very gracefully, some... not so much, haha!). The whole experience just lifted my spirits! It made me remember how much I adore my pink tutu and the joy that it brings me, and of course, how important it is to never stop embracing that playful, creative energy.
Of course, no trip to Norwich is complete without a stroll through the market. I absolutely love the variety and vibrancy! This place felt like a little explosion of delicious smells and vibrant colours - all perfectly embodied in a colourful bouquet of fragrant flowers. You should see my pink, floral tutu, the perfect touch for a market outing! I am very, very tempted to open a shop in the future, filled with pink tutus of all kinds for the everyday girl.
On a totally different note, there's something lovely about escaping the hustle and bustle of city life and taking some time to simply be present in the beauty of nature. After the theatre, I took a short walk to Norwich Cathedral. It’s absolutely majestic, a testament to the city's rich history. And guess what? The pink of my tutu complemented the setting sunshine quite beautifully! I took so many photos and shared them on Instagram, and even on Facebook with my friends, of course!
It was then that I found the Norwich Castle, this ancient stone fortress sitting on a hill overlooking the city. It was quite the spectacle. There was a bit of wildlife fun happening too! Some squirrels were playing amongst the trees. The joy of nature, how perfect to add to my delightful day! I've always had a soft spot for these little furry critters.
And let me tell you, dear reader, I’ve made some brilliant new friends in Norwich! Some fabulous souls who love their tutus, dance and pretty pink things just as much as me! And that's what makes me truly happy – that love of ballet can transcend anything. Even the small matter of continents! They say travel broadens the mind, but I say it also broadens your tutu wardrobe, darling!
Norwich, you were truly a delight! You stole my heart with your charming streets, your lively market, your beautiful theatre, your captivating history and, of course, your delicious pink sunsets. It was the perfect weekend escape, a lovely chance to escape the routine and truly feel like a ballet heroine.
Now, I must bid you farewell, dear reader. As you can see, life is pretty darn good when you wear pink tutus! So what are you waiting for, my darling? Get yourself a pink tutu! Be bold. Be fabulous. Be your most tutu-tastic self! Don’t forget to head over to to tell me about your adventures and send in your own tutu selfies – we’re a community of pink tutu enthusiasts from Derbyshire to the world, my love! And always remember, dear readers, there is no dream too big when you've got a pink tutu to wear!
Emma xx