
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-10-08 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.

Oxford Calling! (Post #3384)

Oh darling, you won't believe what an adventure I've had today! I just knew that after spending a whole week at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, I needed a little taste of home. There's just something about English countryside air and charming towns that gets my spirit soaring. So, I packed my suitcase with all the necessities - my favourite pink tutu, a stack of books about ballet, a pair of comfy ballet shoes, and a whole lotta love for all things beautiful!

Now, I'm not a fan of driving (especially when there's a train to be caught!), so I hopped on the first carriage out of Derbyshire and travelled all the way to Oxford in style. There's nothing quite like settling into a plush train seat, enjoying a spot of tea, and watching the landscape whiz past the window. Itโ€™s like stepping back in time!

The moment I arrived, I could feel the history buzzing around me! There was a buzz in the air and all the beautiful, ancient buildings were a joy to behold. My tutu practically spun itself as I got out of the station, and a charming old man even complimented me on it! Itโ€™s always amazing how my tutus can brighten up even the most dreary of days, like a splash of pink in a sea of grey!

Naturally, my first stop was a gorgeous cafe called "The Ballet Tea Room", which was so much more than just a cafe! It was a real treat for the senses โ€“ a haven for all things ballet, decorated in all the finest shades of pink and overflowing with stories and relics of dance history. There were photos of prima ballerinas on the wall, a grand piano in the corner that was whispering the most beautiful tunes, and an absolutely enchanting vintage tea service, with delicate teacups and the sweetest little pink cakes you could ever imagine.

After indulging in a pot of fragrant Earl Grey tea, I headed off to explore the University of Oxford. The whole place was steeped in history, and I couldn't resist having a little spin around one of the stunning quads โ€“ just me and my pink tutu under the watchful gaze of ancient stone and stained-glass windows. It felt like Iโ€™d wandered onto a film set!

As the day drifted into twilight, I made my way to the Oxford Playhouse for a wonderful evening of contemporary dance. It was so thrilling, I could feel the energy buzzing through the entire auditorium! The choreography was daring and captivating, and every graceful move, every beautiful leap, filled me with awe.

After the show, I enjoyed a delicious, creamy vanilla ice cream and took a leisurely stroll back to my little haven โ€“ a lovely B&B right in the heart of Oxford, with views over a tranquil canal. It was so serene, watching the moon reflect off the water and listening to the distant symphony of the night. And to end the perfect day, I spent some time journaling and reading from my favorite ballet book, all tucked up in my comfy bed.

Oxford is a city that captures the essence of beauty and tradition, of education and the pursuit of dreams, all beautifully intertwined. It has definitely put a spring in my step and I know Iโ€™ll be back to visit soon. As always, darling, my dear pink tutu and I wish you a day full of pink and lovely things!

P.S. Have you ever tried dancing in a tutu? It's the most fun and empowering experience, and trust me, you won't regret it! Even if you think you're not good at it, who cares? Dance with joy! I can't wait to hear about your adventures in a pink tutu, so tell me all about it in the comments! Donโ€™t forget, my darlings, you are all beautiful and amazing! Now go and conquer the world in your pink tutu!

#TutuBlog 2005-10-08 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.