Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-10-16 in Tottenham with a german tutu.

Tottenham Tottering! Post 3392

Oh, my darlings! I’m bursting at the seams with excitement! It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-clad, ballet-loving blogger extraordinaire, back to share another snippet of my whimsical life!

Today, I’m writing to you from a charming little flat in Tottenham. My dear friend Amelia, the one with the ever-growing collection of vintage hats (we must have a hat party sometime!), lives here with her quirky but delightful cat, Ferdinand. Ferdinand, in a touch of whimsical irony, absolutely loves tutus, often making attempts to climb my leg and purr around the lace of my pink one – oh, he is a true darling!

I arrived this morning by train, a glorious journey through the English countryside that transported me to a different era. Watching the green fields zip by, dappled with sunshine and flecked with sheep, makes my soul feel so at peace. If I weren't so addicted to the city life, I'd buy myself a little farm and some gentle horses - oh, to have my own pony to take on long country rides!

Anyway, the purpose of this particular escapade is a magnificent, extravagant, and utterly divine ballet performance at the Tottenham Theatre tonight. Yes, you heard me right, darling! A proper theatre production featuring real, live ballet dancers, glorious costumes, and the most enchanting choreography. I am positively beside myself with anticipation!

Now, you might be thinking, why Tottenham? Tottenham isn’t exactly known as the centre of the ballet world. Well, here’s the thing: the ballet scene is ever-evolving and this new theatre company, the Tottenham Ballet Troupe, is shaking things up in a fantastic way. They’re mixing classic elements with fresh and inventive storytelling, showcasing local talent and fostering a love of dance within the community.

As you know, I’m always on the lookout for anything that sparks creativity and promotes the art form that I adore. And trust me, darling, the Tottenham Ballet Troupe has it in spades! I had the privilege of attending their rehearsals earlier this week, and let me tell you, these dancers are absolutely exceptional. They move with such grace and precision, and their passion for the art is positively infectious. You can’t help but be swept up in their artistry!

And as for their performance tonight, I’m bursting with excitement! Tonight’s ballet is based on a whimsical story inspired by the legendary Shakespeare play, ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’ - but with a twist! It's a love story about a fairy and a mortal who meet by chance under the silvery glow of the moon. How magical! It’s even set to a unique, captivating score featuring traditional instruments mixed with electronic melodies, oh so chic!

So, in honour of this fabulous adventure, I decided to pack a special outfit: a shimmering lavender tutu with a sequined bodice. The lavender, I believe, is a nod to the magical spirit of the night. Of course, it's my signature bright pink tights for a pop of vibrancy – never shy away from a splash of pink! I’m thinking of pairing it with a silver statement necklace and a pair of strappy black heels - a touch of sophisticated glamour!

But the outfit wouldn’t be complete without a dash of whimsy, so I’m carrying with me my favourite little ballerina charm. She hangs on my handbag and she’s a little piece of the magic that always goes wherever I go.

Speaking of whimsy, the entire flat is practically transformed into a fairytale! Amelia’s a real witch with her decorating - it’s like stepping into a whimsical garden with fairy lights, painted birds, and hand-me-down antique dolls nestled on every corner! I almost think she may be a bit of a magical being herself, perhaps descended from fairies... it’s definitely impossible to resist that whimsical charm.

Tonight’s adventure promises to be full of fun, laughter, and a bit of magical ballet magic. So, if you are ever near Tottenham, do pay this extraordinary theatre company a visit and let the magic of ballet work its charm.

And, you, my dearest darlings, I challenge you to don your tutus, find the most delightful spots in your towns, and make your own ballet adventures! And don’t forget to share your stories! Because let’s be honest, we are all dancing on the stage of life.

With much love and a twirl in my step,

Emma xoxo

P.S As promised, I’ll be sharing a picture of the incredible Tottenham Ballet Troupe on www.pink-tutu.com! It’s already one of my favourite images, the costumes are a mix of fairy light and feathers! Come visit the site and get swept up in the enchanting world of pink tutus! Don't forget to join the conversation on the 'pink-tutu.com' forums, let's make this the most joyful ballet community around!

#TutuBlog 2005-10-16 in Tottenham with a german tutu.