Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed, Derbyshire lass, and I'm bursting with excitement to share my latest adventure with you! Today’s all about the magnificent city of Edmonton, Alberta, and I'm so chuffed to finally be here!
Now, some of you know that I've always had a passion for all things pink, and tutus, of course, are my absolute weakness. But what I don't often tell you is my hidden love for wildlife, particularly the creatures of the great outdoors. You see, when I’m not twirling on pointe in a gorgeous pink tutu, I’m secretly dreaming about spotting majestic moose, or maybe even a bear! So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Edmonton boasts an impressive zoo with a Canadian wilderness section. Talk about my kind of day!
The journey itself was truly delightful. A lovely train ride through rolling Canadian plains with golden wheat fields swaying in the breeze. The rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels was like a calming, elegant dance - just what this girl needs before a big adventure!
Arriving at Edmonton, the city’s vibrant energy immediately struck me. There's a youthful spirit here, a sense of creativity and adventure that reminds me so much of my dear old Derbyshire. It’s a place where everyone’s up for anything – whether it’s a late-night jazz session, exploring the city's art galleries or catching a thrilling ballet performance at the Alberta Ballet.
And let’s not forget the food! My favourite meal was definitely at the cutest little bistro downtown - imagine pastel pink walls, fairy lights and the most delectable, perfectly presented salmon dish! I practically skipped out of there after polishing it off - just a tad too much sugar in my blood after such a delicious meal.
Speaking of ballet, oh, the delights that awaited me at the Alberta Ballet! It was an extraordinary experience, seeing the graceful movements of the dancers, feeling the emotions of the story unfold in front of me. There were even glimpses of those elegant leaps and twirls that I'm currently learning in my evening classes back in Derbyshire - it was an inspiration! The stage, decorated in such a beautiful soft peach colour, almost felt like it was beckoning me to join the dancers!
Of course, no trip to Edmonton would be complete without a visit to the zoo! After a delicious pastry at a delightful café near the entrance - a chocolate croissant with a pink raspberry frosting - I plunged straight into the Canadian wilderness exhibit. It was pure magic! The moose were magnificent - those gentle giants gracefully munched on their lunch, and there were so many playful bears cubbing around that I nearly went into full squealing mode! Seeing such incredible wildlife reminded me that beauty, strength, and elegance can be found in so many different forms. Maybe a bear in a tutu could be a theme for my next blog post – that would certainly get everyone talking!
Later that afternoon, after I'd had a quick picnic amongst the lush rose bushes by the zoo entrance - strawberries, champagne and a slice of strawberry cake! - I decided to explore Edmonton's captivating history at the Fort Edmonton Park. Stepping into a recreated fur trading post, I was immediately transported back in time - imagine historical architecture, crafts, and stories of pioneers braving the wilderness. A moment of pure reflection, taking in the richness and struggles of those who paved the way for our world today.
In the evening, feeling a touch of weariness but utterly exhilarated by the day, I went to an exciting ballet show featuring some innovative pieces. Imagine vibrant colors and avant-garde movements - a beautiful symphony of talent and expression. After a quick stop for some sweet treats – a pink ice-cream with sprinkles and whipped cream, oh la la! - I sat in the elegant lobby of the hotel, savouring the soft melodies from a nearby street performer, an acoustic guitarist with soulful vocals, his gentle rhythm a lullaby to end the perfect day.
So, here's to Edmonton, my dear. You have stolen a little piece of my heart. From your artistic flair to your charming historic spots, you are a truly delightful city. But what I'll treasure most are those quiet moments – sitting amidst the wildflowers in the zoo's butterfly garden, a moment of quiet contemplation, letting the world melt away; or enjoying that heavenly croissant with the raspberry frosting in a cozy cafe. Edmonton, you have shown me that the simple things are the truly beautiful things, the small gestures of life, the little joys and wonders that often escape us in our busy lives.
My love for tutus is ever present, that will never fade! But from now on, whenever I twirl, it’ll be with Edmonton in my heart – a city where grace, nature, and artistry blend seamlessly. Now, off I go to find my perfect pink tutu to wear tomorrow while exploring Edmonton’s magnificent streets - I already have the perfect image in my head! If you're ever looking for a truly inspiring, wonderfully vibrant city that will captivate your heart, head to Edmonton. You won’t regret it!
Lots of love and twirls,