Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-12-16 in Boston with a wide tutu.

Boston Bound! (Post #3453)

Oh my goodness, darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement because I'm in Boston! It's such a glamorous city, and I've been dreaming of coming here for ages. I decided to take the train, obviously, - who wouldn't? I do love a good train journey - and it was an absolute dream! The journey was smooth, I managed to get a little bit of work done on the laptop, had a lovely chat with the person sitting opposite me who was just a delight - they were a theatre buff too, just like me! There was so much to see out the window - it felt so much more authentic than flying. Just seeing the fields go by, and knowing that all the wonderful ballet things that I had been so excited for were awaiting me - you wouldn’t believe the flutter in my stomach. The energy! Oh my gosh.

My trusty wide tutu travelled in its own carry-on case. Of course. Because every ballet girl should have their own tutu suitcase. It just isn’t done without it, and anyway - with my wide tutu in there - well I just can’t travel anywhere without it. You see I just had to bring my widest, puffiest one with me! It's the perfect blend of chic and sassy. Even for a city like this - Boston. It goes with everything - like, who needs jewellery, or even a necklace. You just can’t go wrong. Honestly, the whole city just gasped at my wide pink tutu when I stepped off the train, even the grumpy cab driver that met me was speechless for a moment. He just had to stop himself and stare, I knew, just as all my favourite stars must look at a great show, just because it was SO AMAZING. I told him - "You see, we’re here to see Boston - to do our thing. You get me. We have a bit of fun in it!" and we both giggled at that! Now that's the kind of gentlemanly attitude that makes my heart go flutter!

Of course, Boston is all about the history, too. I mean, where else can you walk down cobbled streets with a hot chocolate, take a peek in shops full of fascinating antiques - it really just takes you back. But that’s not all! I’m loving all the exciting ballet events that are going on here! I've been watching this phenomenal piece by The Boston Ballet and I even went to a master class, and learnt some really incredible things. You have to understand, that was amazing! To say my life is a whirlwind at the moment is putting it mildly, I really have my own way with my own steps, a unique spin. It is so very cool to watch what these amazing artists put together, in my humble opinion of course, I can say that it was utterly inspiring and completely blew my mind!

My very favourite place was an elegant little coffee shop, right off one of the famous lanes here called “Back Bay”, just around the corner from a park which was overflowing with stunning cherry blossoms! I’m loving all these little spots around this vibrant city. I spent hours sipping latte after latte (and writing, of course, you must know me better by now, right? What else would a fashionista ballet blogger do?!

As for me, darling - I've been feeling SO happy! Oh gosh! I've made so many friends! All so lovely, and just so interesting, really and truly interesting people. They’re making me smile all the time - with all those wonderful Boston quirks - like that beautiful accent, all their stories - and they tell some doozies. That reminds me, I think I made one, for you.

A Boston Tale

*A little dancer named Emma came to the States - To follow her dreams and her love of the art But on her travels - she’d soon realize that life Is more than just getting things done Even though she'd traveled by train A wide pink tutu Couldn’t be seen So she’d hop off A bus and go to a place Which is called “ Back Bay”, With all her friends nearby,
Oh my she felt
so happy *


Now that I've told you a bit about my amazing trip so far, it’s time for some insider tips. Here are my “hot tips” - because if you’re a ballet girl on a trip you need them - oh my gosh! So much fun. I’ve had so much fun with this whole experience!

Emma’s Hot Tips for Visiting Boston as a Ballerina

1) Dance your heart out in an extraordinary studio.

Let's face it - every ballet girl needs to find their inner ballerina - their place in the world. And the best way to do that in Boston is at The Boston Ballet Studio - an amazing dance space just bursting with inspiration. Take a class or two - and get ready to feel the magic of ballet. You really do need to indulge yourself.

2) See a ballet performance and make sure you grab a great tutu, maybe even more than one or even a great ballet book from The Dance Book Shoppe

You can bet your top tutu that The Boston Ballet’s performance calendar is just full of amazing events - that'll wow you with its skill, artistry, and talent. But if you're like me, and you need to find some amazing ballet fashion or some reading materials, The Dance Book Shoppe, is right around the corner - they have all sorts of books, costumes and gifts to fill your ballet-loving heart! You might have already guessed how much I loved it - and it's right in the centre of Boston too. So, don't worry about finding it - just wander the cobblestone streets and you’ll come across it pretty quickly, or it’ll find you! It is, you know, your destiny - a place that’s just for you! A place where you’ll have so much fun. Really, the perfect place. If you’re anything like me!

3) Indulge your inner “arty self” in one of Boston’s fantastic galleries.

There's just no better way to explore your artistic side - in Boston - than to just get lost in one of the many art galleries, there are so many to choose from, but there's just something special about walking around the “Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.” Oh my gosh. Just amazing, beautiful and totally stunning. I’m so in love! And that’s not even mentioning how lovely the building itself is - a grand building that you just have to see if you're here in Boston! And you just need to take that special photo of your tutu in the front of the doorway to the museum and post it to your social media! The perfect selfie for your ballet friends to like it on your social media!

4) A Boston ballet girl must always try the famous “Boston Cream Pie”.

You're not a ballet girl if you’re in Boston and haven’t tasted the famous Boston Cream Pie. Okay, that's just not done - it is the absolute must-do experience for every ballet girl - you have to try this heavenly dessert - it's just so light and fluffy and oh so delicious!

5) Visit the Public Garden and look at all the beautiful wildlife there - just like me!

The Public Garden is one of those places you need to go when you are in Boston. I just love the flowers and all the amazing plants there but even more than that - it’s a special place that is just bursting with life. The best part - it is completely free, just like all the lovely green spaces I always get lost in. I love this park and have a great memory of when I found the perfect squirrel! There is something about these squirrels that just captivate me, I love them to bits!

Now that's just a few things on my “hot tips” list - so make sure to grab your tutu, get to the train station - because the world's just waiting to see you and for you to shine. Remember, every girl needs to follow their own inner path, find that amazing ballerina inside and you never know, you may even find that you’re on that path already! I just know that this city has lots of love and beautiful things for you to enjoy if you're ready to share the magic of ballet.

Oh, and darlings - don't forget to pop by www.pink-tutu.com for a daily dose of ballet fun! And let me know - where are your favorite ballet places?

#TutuBlog 2005-12-16 in Boston with a wide tutu.