Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-02-22 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.

Bridgwater Bound in My Pancake Tutu!

Post #3521

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, bringing you all the latest from the world of tutus and twirls! Today I'm bursting with excitement, because I'm taking a little trip to Bridgwater in Somerset. Think rolling countryside, historic buildings, and (of course) a little ballet magic!

I love taking trips on the train, it's such a peaceful way to travel. I can put on my headphones, get lost in a book or watch the world drift by - there’s something wonderfully nostalgic about it. And this trip is extra special because I'm wearing my new pancake tutu. It's a gorgeous blush pink creation, just begging to be twirled in the Somerset breeze!

It’s just a shame the journey took a little longer than usual, a bunch of sheep decided to block the track near my local station! Silly sheep! It really reminded me of when I was in Derbyshire, we had these highland cows on our family farm who were notorious for causing a little mayhem on the road! It’s so cute when you get to see animals getting up to all sorts of mischief though, isn't it? I find them such a great source of inspiration, just seeing their boundless energy and joy. It really makes you think about how important it is to always follow your heart.

Anyways, back to Bridgwater. The plan is to see a delightful ballet performance in the charming little town theatre, one that boasts beautiful stained glass windows and the most delightful little tea room - think china cups and delicate sandwiches. Just the sort of place that warms the soul on a chilly day like today.

Of course, no ballet trip is complete without a quick trip to the local dance school. I love going to watch the children practice - their eyes alight with the pure joy of movement and music. It reminds me so much of when I was a young dancer just starting out. I always make sure to bring extra ribbons and a few little gifts for the budding ballerinas too! I'm such a sucker for those bright-eyed, innocent smiles!

After all that ballet, a lovely, long, delicious hot chocolate at a cosy café is just what the doctor ordered. I may even indulge in a little cake, just a tiny piece, or maybe I'll just dream about the cakes as I stare dreamily at the beautiful pink frosting… a girl has got to have a bit of fun, right? I might even pick up a local pink handmade soap too, those little things are a fantastic souvenir! They'll go perfectly on the windowsill in my little pink-tutu-filled room! Maybe, just maybe, I'll be lucky enough to find one shaped like a ballerina… Wouldn't that be something?

Speaking of ballerina, speaking of the little darlings at the dance school, I can't wait to watch them grow up and dance in grand theatre halls, their sparkly costumes dazzling the crowd and their smiles reaching all the way to the top of the balconies! Just thinking about the beautiful stage lights and the powerful dance moves… It really just fills my heart with happiness, like sunshine and smiles and twirling until my legs are wobbly, just like when I first started ballet. It truly is the best form of expression. It allows you to explore a range of emotions through movement - I wouldn't know what I'd do without it! And I truly believe that everyone should at least try ballet once. It's not about being perfect or doing a triple pirouette. It’s about finding that joy in moving your body, even if that movement involves jumping up and down or maybe just waving your arms around and smiling wildly! It’s just all about that freedom of movement and expression. It makes me happy seeing how much fun my ballet buddies are having. Ballet just has such an amazing, infectious energy about it, a bit like pink glitter in a warm room, don't you think?

As for my adventures tomorrow… I think I'll be making a quick pit stop to the local museum to see if they have any ballet costumes. If they do, I'm hoping to snag a couple of pink tutu pieces to decorate my desk!

So there you have it! A day full of ballet and sunshine (fingers crossed, even in February!). Don't forget to join me here tomorrow for more pink-tutu-filled fun on www.pink-tutu.com, and, just maybe, maybe we'll start a pink-tutu-wearing-ballet-loving movement! Just imagine, the world with everyone wearing a pink tutu! Wouldn’t that be incredible? It certainly fills my heart with joy just to imagine!

Until next time, darlings,


(PS: If anyone happens to know of a particularly good horse riding trail around Bridgwater, do let me know. It's been a while since I’ve been galloping across fields in a fluffy tutu – can you imagine the glorious sight!)

#TutuBlog 2006-02-22 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.