Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-03-18 in Whitley Bay with a red tutu.

Whitley Bay Whirlwind: Tutu Travels & Tea Time

Post #3545: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my darlings!

It's Emma here, your resident tutu-loving, pink-obsessed, ballet-bonkers blogger, and today, we're taking a little trip to the seaside. Oh yes, my lovelies, we're heading to Whitley Bay! A proper British seaside resort, all bracing sea air, amusement arcades, and fish and chips.

But first, I simply had to wear my new red tutu. Oh, it's divine! This isn't just any red tutu, no darling. It's a crimson dreamscape, the kind of scarlet that whispers "royalty" and screams "passionate". Paired with a little black ballet top, I was ready to rock this day like a proper prima ballerina on a getaway.

The journey was delightful, a delightful meander on the train, a glass of chilled elderflower cordial in hand, gazing at the rolling countryside as we chugged towards our seaside destination. This is something I truly love about train travel - the opportunity to disconnect and simply be.

Reaching Whitley Bay was like stepping into a vintage postcard. There's this undeniable charm, this air of history in the salty air. I could almost imagine myself skipping along the promenade in a vintage bathing suit with a striped umbrella, à la the good old days. (Though, to be fair, a pink tutu probably wouldn't have been acceptable beachwear in the past…but who knows what the future holds? We might be wearing tutus at the beach soon enough! Isn't that a glorious thought?!)

Our first stop? The seafront. Now, I must admit, I don't quite do cold water. But walking along the shore, breathing in the crisp air, and hearing the gulls screeching overhead - it’s incredibly invigorating. There's a wildness, a freedom in that open expanse. Plus, it truly sparks my imagination, seeing those swirling grey waves.

Feeling a bit peckish after all that salty air, I decided it was time for some proper fish and chips. I'm talking, greasy-fingered, newspaper-wrapped goodness! Then, with a full belly and a light heart, it was off to the amusement arcade. Honestly, who doesn't love the thrill of a claw machine or the sound of the jackpot siren? Even this seasoned ballet dancer got a little carried away trying to snag the plush pink panda. Sadly, I only ended up with a slightly less glamorous frog (though I will teach him ballet moves - no rest for the wicked, eh?).

The highlight of the day, though? Well, it just had to be the ballet class at the seaside. Yes, darlings! You heard me right. Whitley Bay actually has a lovely little ballet school! Imagine it: me, in my glorious red tutu, feeling the sand between my toes, doing plies to the sound of the sea crashing against the shore. It was utterly magical. I know my Derbyshire dancing skills were top notch, but there was something incredibly liberating about stretching my legs amidst the seaside symphony.

It was here, watching a little girl in a pink tutu leap across the dance floor, that I felt truly inspired. The joy in her eyes, the passion in her steps… That’s what I’m all about. This isn’t just about me, this ballet blog. This is about you. This is about sparking that same joy and passion for ballet in all of you, my lovely readers! Who wouldn’t love a bit of twirling?

And that’s precisely why, my lovelies, I’m organizing a "Pink Tutu" day on www.pink-tutu.com!

On the 2nd of April, let’s all put on our pink tutus, our brightest pinks, our most flamboyant frills and do a little dance together. It’s all about spreading that ballet joy. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, it’s a chance to celebrate all things twirl and pink! Post your pink tutu pics with #pinktutuday on your favorite social media.

Let’s turn the world a little more pink!

Speaking of pink, there's nothing I love more than pink roses! That evening, after the most glorious afternoon in Whitley Bay, I was treated to a basket full of these fragrant blooms, pink as can be. What a treat! I had a cup of freshly brewed tea, watched the sunset paint the sky, and danced in the soft glow of candlelight.

You know what, my darlings? It's moments like these that make my little pink heart burst with happiness. And, who knows? Maybe next time, we’ll be riding our favourite horses through the Yorkshire countryside, our pink tutus streaming in the wind! That would be a wonderful adventure!

So, until then, stay fabulous, stay pink, and keep on twirling!

#TutuBlog 2006-03-18 in Whitley Bay with a red tutu.