Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-04-17 in Deal with a german tutu.

Post 3575: Deal with a German Tutu! 🩰🇩🇪💖

Oh my darlings, it’s Emma here, coming to you live from the beautiful and slightly chilly city of Berlin! I must admit, the cobblestones are slightly less than glamorous for those sky-high pointe shoes of mine, but the sights are definitely worth a little bit of toe-tapping!

This trip was an absolute dream come true! Remember that little vintage tutu I snagged from a market in Prague last month? Well, the sweetest antique dealer informed me that it was probably from the late 1800s and may have belonged to a German ballerina! So, obviously, the logical next step was to come to Germany and see if I could find any remnants of its past life – I even dreamt about tracking down a descendant of the original owner, a flamboyant dancer named Frieda who had a penchant for bright pink and was rumoured to be a notorious mischief-maker in the ballet world!

Now, before you start thinking I’ve lost my mind (a perfectly acceptable reaction in most situations), I just love history, especially anything to do with the history of ballet! 🩰 There’s a magic that comes with those older tutus; they practically hum with memories.

Speaking of memories, my first trip to Germany brought back all sorts of warm fuzzies about ballet classes! Back when I was still a little bunny rabbit in Derbyshire (bless those lovely Peak District hills, they make you feel all earthy and grounded…!), we had these incredible vintage ballet posters in our studio, filled with glamorous dancers in shimmering pink tutus! I spent hours staring at them, pretending to be a majestic ballerina in a romantic ballet, gracefully twirling across the stage (while simultaneously tripping over my own feet – ah, those early ballet days!).

Of course, one of the main reasons I was in Germany was for the ballet performance! It was a dazzling production, set to the stunning music of Mozart, and oh my goodness, it left me absolutely breathless! The dancers were simply phenomenal; every single movement, from their soaring leaps to their precise pointe work, told a story! The tutus, all in various shades of pink and gold, flowed effortlessly as the dancers took flight. The audience erupted into rapturous applause – it was truly magical!

I must say, the experience was incredibly inspiring and gave me a serious case of tutu-mania! There's a definite spark in me, and I've decided to try and inject a bit of German-style drama and grace into my own routines! I think a few dramatic leaps and some impossibly graceful poses are on the horizon!

I haven’t had much chance for exploration yet, but I managed to find a tiny vintage shop on a cobblestone street and, lo and behold, they had a pink velvet jacket that was practically begging me to take it home. Now, how much pink can you possibly wear, right?!

Well, before you write me off as a complete pastel-coloured fashion addict, let me tell you: my love for pink has a purpose! My mission, darling readers, is to get everyone wearing a pink tutu! Pink is for everyone – from the smallest bunny rabbit ballerina to the most glamorous grand dame! It’s about self-expression, joy, and yes, a dash of mischief! We should all feel empowered and ready to dance our way through life!

And on that note, I think it's time for a quick costume change! Tonight, my lovely Berlin friends and I are hitting the local theatre for a little ballet-inspired "ballet street" performance – basically, dancing on the street, which is just the most fun! And, as per usual, my lovely pink tutu will be the star of the show!

So, darling readers, keep those toes tapping and those smiles bright! You never know, maybe you'll be caught in a flash mob by the end of the week! Remember, every day is a chance to spread some joy and, of course, some pink!

Until next time, my dears!

Emma 💖

P.S. Did you know there's a beautiful lake here in Berlin that I’m absolutely desperate to see? They call it the “Green Lake” - how divine! 🌱 Maybe I can find a beautiful white swan or two for a photo-op... They say you can actually spot wild boar and even lynx around here, and I can't wait to try and catch a glimpse! (With the safety of my friends, of course... wild boar don’t tend to love tutus much, I’m sure!)

P.P.S. Speaking of wild things, my trip wouldn’t be complete without a little ride! I’m thinking a vintage horse-drawn carriage might be the perfect way to enjoy this gorgeous city! Any recommendations?

P.P.P.S. Do let me know your favourite ballet pieces or any other beautiful places I should visit while I’m here in Germany. Love you all! 🥰💖🩰

#TutuBlog 2006-04-17 in Deal with a german tutu.