
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-07-28 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.

Hartlepool Bound: A Tutu Tale of Seaside Adventures

#TutuBlog Post #3677

Hello lovelies! Itā€™s Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, and oh my, I've had the most splendid day! As you all know, I'm a girl who loves a good adventure, and this one was a real gem. Let me tell you, I packed my pinkest tutu (a vintage number with the most gorgeous, frilly layers, just like my favourite childhood Barbie!) and set off on a grand escapade to the seaside town of Hartlepool.

I'm always up for a train journey, especially when it means heading to a new destination, so I boarded at my local station in Derbyshire and felt the familiar sense of excitement surge through me. Train journeys are pure escapism. I spent the journey sketching in my little pink notebook, drawing up new tutu designs in my head. (And no, I'm not a terrible artist, I have talent, I tell you!)

But let's rewind a bit. Why Hartlepool? You might be asking. Well, dear readers, this little coastal town has been calling my name for ages. I'd read about the historic Hartlepool Quay, the impressive lighthouse, and a certain "Hartlepool Monkey" - I can't explain it, it just felt like a tutu-worthy destination! (And yes, I did spot the Monkey statue on the Quay and posed with him for the perfect "tutu-gram". See my latest Insta post, loves!).

Arriving in Hartlepool was like stepping into a picture postcard. The crisp air, the salty tang in the breeze, the sound of seagulls overhead - it felt magical. The cobbled streets were dotted with quaint cafes, charming little shops (I spotted a delightful vintage boutique - definitely making a return trip!), and of course, the iconic Hartlepool Marina.

As a ballerina, I simply had to take a twirl by the water's edge! The promenade is just beautiful. The soft, sandy beach stretched before me, the sun on my face, a little breeze carrying the smell of salty sea air. The most incredible seagulls were swooping overhead, their calls adding to the magical symphony of the seaside.

Letā€™s talk about my fabulous tutu choice! I mean, it was just perfect, darling. The bright cyan really popped against the turquoise sea and the clear, blue sky. (My bestie, Daisy, told me I was the most "breathtakingly colourful creature" in the harbour - bless her heart, sheā€™s always been a sweet one, even when her outfits look a bit ... out there, Iā€™ll say). As I waltzed down the promenade, I swear I could hear people whisper "Look, it's the tutu queen!", and you know, a little girl even rushed over for a quick ballet lesson - such a cute little cherub, all smiles and bright eyes. She was trying out her "pliĆ©s" like a natural! I told her she'd make a great ballerina someday.

And speaking of ballerinas, you won't believe who I met on the promenade! It was Miss Amelia - one of the soloists at the Royal Ballet - she was having a seaside holiday with her family. We had a lovely little chat - you'll never guess what she was doing - she was trying to spot seals from the harbour! I even managed to convince her to take a little ballet class on the promenade with me. Letā€™s just say her "tendu" is divine.

I did, of course, stop by the famous Hartlepool Maritime Experience Museum. It was fascinating! Seeing all the old boats, the shipwrecks, the maritime stories ā€“ I felt a surge of nostalgia, it brought back happy memories of holidays by the sea with my family as a little girl. It really made me want to create a tutu-inspired dance performance, one celebrating all the incredible people, places, and events connected to the sea - think mermaid tales, shipwrecks, sailors - all brought to life through the poetry and magic of ballet! (I know, I have a real knack for storytelling in dance, right? - but donā€™t let anyone know about that, my competitive side is showing... you can never be too careful when there are so many other aspiring ballerinas out there).

Later, I took a lovely horse and carriage ride along the coast, the sun setting on the horizon - an absolutely perfect way to end the day. The horsesā€™ hooves clopping against the cobblestone, the smell of sea air and freshly baked bread coming from a nearby bakery ā€“ all adding to the ambiance of a perfect day.

And my outfit? Of course, I changed into a fabulous hot-pink sundress - (all thanks to my "portable changing room") , topped off with a beautiful blush pink feathered hat and my favourite fluffy, bright pink pumps (I love how pink just compliments every skin tone, and I have, let me tell you, quite a large shoe collection. You wouldnā€™t believe what I have in that spare bedroom I keep saying Iā€™m going to get decorated). My dear friends who followed me along for the ride are just going to adore the ā€œHartlepool Sunsetsā€ shots I've got!

Honestly, I can't tell you how magical the entire day felt. Thereā€™s just something so enchanting about a seaside adventure, especially in a place that oozes history and charm like Hartlepool. It's made me fall in love with this coastal town all over again - (which doesn't hurt, since I have plans for my annual ā€˜Pink Tutu on the Promenadeā€ party. Maybe we can all have pink-tutu themed beach picnics in Hartlepool next summer).

To end on a sweet note, let's not forget the real heroes of my day - the birds! A flock of sweet little birds accompanied me all day long - chirping happily as I pirouetted by the beach. Iā€™m convinced itā€™s the pink tutu. My motto: ā€œYou canā€™t be too girly for a tutuā€ - especially when it involves animal friends, I think thatā€™s what really elevates the experience!

Well, I'm off now, dear friends, to rest my tired toes (I've done a lot of twirling today), and dream of more seaside adventures to come! I'll leave you with this thought ā€“ if you're looking for a perfect little getaway, Hartlepool should definitely be on your list.

Till next time! Keep twirling, lovelies!



#TutuBlog 2006-07-28 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.