Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-09-06 in Feltham with a pink tutu.

Feltham Fling: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #3717)

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind day in Feltham and bursting with stories and sparkly excitement!

It's hard to believe I haven't been to Feltham before! This lovely little town just a hop, skip, and a train ride from Derbyshire has a real charm about it. And of course, what better way to explore than with my trusty pink tutu and a suitcase full of ballet-themed dreams?

I started the day with a sunrise stroll through Feltham Park, feeling the crisp morning air against my cheek as I spun around, tutu twirling in the gentle breeze. The birds were singing their little hearts out, a symphony for my dance steps, and the whole park felt like a stage waiting for me to take centre stage. Honestly, wouldn't it be amazing if every park had a ballet performance every morning? Now that's a dream!

My day wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Feltham Library! I'm a bit of a bookworm when I'm not in my tutu and they had a fantastic selection of ballet books - and guess what? They even had a book on the history of ballet in Feltham! How wonderful is that?!

Of course, no Feltham visit would be complete without a proper dance session, so I found a fantastic little dance studio just a few steps from the library. The instructor was an absolute sweetheart and she had us all in stitches with her stories about ballet blunders! We even attempted some classic pirouettes with a Feltham-themed twist, with our twirls mirroring the majestic flight of the swans at Feltham Pond! It was a laugh a minute!

After class, I stopped by The Gingerbread House Cafe for a delicious slice of cake. The colours were beautiful - think lavender, pink, and cream - perfect for a little post-ballet indulgence!

But my day in Feltham wasn't all tutus and twirls. The Feltham Wildlife Refuge just down the road had me captivated. It was a truly magical place! So much serenity and beautiful creatures to admire - the ducks, the herons, and even a cheeky squirrel that was practically begging me to give it a dance lesson! I'm thinking it would look fantastic in a pink tutu, wouldn't it? Maybe it needs a bit of training though...

The afternoon was dedicated to a grand celebration of Feltham’s artistic spirit at the local community hall! I couldn’t resist joining in the fun with a quick impromptu dance routine for the locals – it’s amazing how many people join in when they see a tutu! It was so wonderful to see how music and movement could bring people together! It reminded me of why I love sharing my love for ballet with the world!

Feltham's been a real treat. I had so much fun exploring this little gem with my tutu and a spring in my step. There's a definite air of warmth and community spirit here, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a ballet production on the horizon!

If you’re ever in the area, don't forget to pop your tutu on, hop on a train, and experience the beauty of Feltham. You might even get inspired to twirl along the path with me! And who knows, maybe you'll even become a tutu convert like myself!

Don’t forget to visit my blog www.pink-tutu.com daily for more of my adventures! And remember, lovelies, everyone looks stunning in pink tutu! See you tomorrow!

#TutuBlog 2006-09-06 in Feltham with a pink tutu.