Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-10-05 in Stratford with a fairy themed tutu.

Stratford-Upon-Avon: Where Fairies Dance and Pink Tutus Reign! 👑💖✨

Post #3746

Hello my darlings! 💖

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, writing to you from the utterly enchanting Stratford-Upon-Avon! It's the perfect setting for a fairy tale, isn't it? Even the air smells of magic here. It's where the bard himself, Shakespeare, was born, and you just know there's something magical about this place.

Today, I've traded my usual Derbyshire green fields for rolling countryside views from a carriage drawn by a glorious white steed (a true princess experience!). I swear, it was the most divine carriage ride I've ever taken, all lavender and rose-scented, with the wind whipping through my hair and a big, pink tutu twirling around my ankles! It was positively divine!

I'm wearing my newest creation for today’s blog - a bespoke, handmade tulle masterpiece that's just a whisper of delicate pinks and shimmering golds, all inspired by the faeries of the nearby Arden Forest. Imagine ethereal woodland creatures swirling amidst moonlight with tiny dew-drop dresses. Well, that's what I tried to capture in this gorgeous creation! 💖

We're at the heart of Shakespeare's world here in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and I simply had to celebrate with a theatrical performance befitting the Bard! Now, I may not be exactly Shakespearean in my choice of performance style, but the excitement is still the same. Today, I performed an impromptu ballet routine in the middle of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre courtyard! Think a mixture of classic "Swan Lake" movements with a touch of playful "Alice in Wonderland" inspired twists and twirls, all done to the music of a travelling band playing Elizabethan lute tunes (it really worked!). The passers-by looked on with amusement and admiration, some even joining in with applause.

One lovely old chap even commented on how much my dancing reminded him of Shakespeare's sprites in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." And my darling, I did feel a little like a sprite flitting through the warm afternoon sunshine.

Afterwards, I treated myself to a picnic beneath a towering oak tree in the ancient churchyard. It was just perfect: warm bread rolls, sweet strawberry jam, and a crisp, cold bottle of sparkling pink lemonade (a touch of extravagance to complement my outfit, don't you think?) 🥂

It wouldn't be a true Emma-in-Stratford-Upon-Avon day without a bit of exploring! The ancient cobbled streets were a dream to stroll through. I spied adorable shops full of antiques, quaint tea rooms serving delicious scones with clotted cream (divine!), and oh-so-charming Tudor architecture everywhere you looked.

I couldn't leave without capturing a little bit of Stratford’s wildlife. As I passed through the picturesque riverside gardens, I came across a friendly pair of swans enjoying their evening swim. There’s a lovely serenity to them that truly resonates with me. I’m drawn to all creatures with an ethereal and graceful aura – just like ballet dancers! 😊

Later tonight, I’ll be heading to the RSC to enjoy a performance of “Romeo and Juliet”. I’ve been eagerly anticipating this production. While my tutu is, of course, ready to make a glamorous appearance for the performance (after all, how else to watch Shakespeare? With a twirl of a pink tutu!), I’ve also chosen my most graceful, ballerina-esque shoes (a beautiful pair of satin pink flats for comfort!) and my tiniest handbag to keep my phone, a miniature hand mirror, and a special pink fan in to watch Juliet's every expression. 😉

As always, dear readers, I hope that you enjoyed reading my day at Stratford-Upon-Avon and that it inspired a little bit of fairytale magic in your own day!

Remember, darlings, we all have a little bit of pink tutu magic inside of us. So let your hair down, embrace your inner fairy, and twirl into your own fairytale day! 💖

See you tomorrow for another fabulous tutu-filled adventure, my lovelies! And if you’re in Stratford-Upon-Avon this week, come say hello! 😉

Until then, remember to stay pink and sparkly,

Emma 💖✨


#TutuBlog 2006-10-05 in Stratford with a fairy themed tutu.