
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-10-26 in Surbiton with a expensive tutu.

TutuBlog #3767: Surbiton Sparkle

Oh my darlings!

Can you believe it's already October? Where does the time go? It feels like yesterday I was swanning around Edinburgh in my floral tutu, soaking up the Fringe festival atmosphere. But today, I'm swapping the Scottish breeze for the South London charm of Surbiton, and I'm positively thrilled to be here.

As a seasoned tutu traveller (let's face it, I've travelled the length and breadth of Britain and a bit of Europe in my tutu) Iā€™ve come to understand that a journey is about much more than just reaching the destination. It's about the anticipation, the journey itself, the little discoveries along the way. And trust me, thereā€™s nothing quite like arriving in a new town in your full, feathery pink tutu. The looks, the smiles, the little girls with big eyes and even bigger dreams - it makes my heart sing!

So, how did I get to Surbiton, you ask? Well, no boring car journeys for this ballerina! I'm a firm believer that travel should be an experience, so I opted for the luxurious (and let's be honest, environmentally sound) journey by train. Stepping out onto the platform with a dramatic flourish of my tulle and a sprinkle of glitter, I definitely turned a few heads. One little boy even shouted, "Look, Mummy, a real-life ballerina!" That's a win in my book any day.

But my journey wasn't just about the train ride. You see, dear readers, I'm all about embracing the journey. As I boarded at Derby station, I couldnā€™t resist taking a stroll down to the local wildlife park for a quick peek at the otters. Who doesnā€™t love a little otter spotting before a big ballet trip? They were absolutely adorable, playing and splashing in the water like a bunch of mini-ballerinas in training! You see, to me, there's something graceful and captivating about even the smallest creatures. And, wouldn't you know it, even a wild otter could learn a thing or two about elegance from a ballerinaā€™s pirouette.

My train journey was as delightful as a Swan Lake interlude - comfy, calm, and full of exciting potential. By the time I arrived at Surbiton station, my mood was positively giddy. This wasn't just any town; this was a place with a grand, historic ballet heritage, bursting at the seams with potential for the tutu most dazzling of days. And my new pink tutu? Let's just say, it was practically designed for such an adventure! I'm talking about a statement piece, my darlings. It has layers of shimmering, hand-crafted silk that feels like a dream to twirl in. Oh, and it had a gorgeous blush pink silk rose, delicately hand-stitched on the hip. It's one of those special pieces that feels more like a work of art than an item of clothing. (Letā€™s just say I may have taken a few extra snaps of it while on the journeyā€¦.)

I must tell you, finding a ballet tutu that sings like that, itā€™s a rare treasure. You have to know what youā€™re looking for, because there are SO MANY "tu-tu" (hehe! I crack myself up!), not to mention far too many tutus with just a hint of pink. They'll never truly do! I only have eyes for the kind that screams "feminine, fabulous, and definitely not boring!"

Oh, and don't even get me started on the price. I was seriously tempted to leave the beautiful creation on the mannequin, but it just had to come home with me. My motto? Life is too short to wear boring tutus, and if a bit of exquisite extravagance brings a little joy to your day, well, it's definitely worth the splurge!

But Surbiton wasn't just a chance to wear my fancy new tutu ā€“ it was the culmination of a ballet-fuelled dream! I was in town to witness the magnificent London Ballet Company, performing a spectacular revival of ā€œGiselleā€ at the prestigious Surbiton Theatre. The air crackled with excitement as the audience filled the seats ā€“ a truly magical experience for the senses.

Honestly, itā€™s the sheer energy that gets me ā€“ the mix of anticipation and excitement hanging in the air. Then the lights dim, the music swells, the dancers glide onto the stageā€¦. And before you know it, youā€™re swept up in a world of artistry, passion, and a touch of magic! I tell you, there's nothing quite like seeing a truly great ballet performance.

For me, the best thing about these big shows is that they just inspire. It makes you want to twirl, to soar, to feel the music running through your veins and the rhythm taking hold of your body. You can just feel the joy, the commitment, and the pure love for this art form that they all possess!

But donā€™t get me wrong, my darling readers, a big ballet production isnā€™t the only kind of show that sets my soul on fire! Oh no. You've seen me rocking ballet classes around Derbyshire and performing in a London ballet street dance spectacular (you saw my posts ā€“ all about a fab London troupe!). And honestly, the sheer delight in these dance events just shines! It doesnā€™t matter what you call it; ballet, street dance, or simply moving, when there's a touch of passion and commitment in those steps, my heart just soars!

Speaking of passion, it's a huge part of why I believe in sharing this passion with all of you! That's why, on a mission to get everyone to wear pink tutus and dance their hearts out, I continue to share these tutu travels with you, dear readers!

Surbiton was the perfect stop on this whirlwind journey. It was a town bathed in pink (just like me!), full of grace and good times. But now, it's back to Derbyshire to resume my regular routine of ballet classes, dance events, and maybe a cheeky trip to the otter enclosure (they're just so cute!)

What are your favourite places to catch a ballet performance? Do tell!

Until next time, Emma


#TutuBlog 2006-10-26 in Surbiton with a expensive tutu.