Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-11-17 in Ilkeston with a fluffy tutu.

Ilkeston Adventures in Fluffy Pink


Oh my goodness, darlings! It's been a whirlwind of a week, filled with dancing, sunshine, and the most delicious afternoon tea. This little Derbyshire girl has been on the move again, and today's adventure took me all the way to Ilkeston. Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, Ilkeston? What on earth is there to do in Ilkeston?" Well, let me tell you, it's brimming with charm!

My trusty steed (the trusty 12:34 train from Derby, naturally!) delivered me to the heart of this delightful town. My heart was set on seeing "Sleeping Beauty" at the Ilkeston Civic Theatre – a beautiful venue with that classic theatre smell you just can’t replicate! The theatre’s foyer was a symphony of twinkling lights, which was just perfect for snapping a quick pic for Insta with my new pink tutu (can’t resist a new tulle!) My outfit was pretty special, I tell you! I had paired my tutu with my lucky pink cardigan and my trusty ballet shoes (a little ballet street wear never hurts, right?) I looked so good that the cashier asked me where I got the outfit! The sheer joy!

Speaking of the show…it was absolutely divine! The dancers were exquisite – soaring through the air, executing perfect pirouettes, and bringing so much passion to the story. I’ve got to admit, I was totally sucked in! All that beauty, all those tutus… I mean, let’s be honest, the main reason to go see "Sleeping Beauty" is the dancing, but then the prince gets involved and suddenly it all becomes just so very romantic. Oh dear, I think I'm falling in love all over again!

And you know what really made my heart flutter? After the performance, I ran into the sweetest elderly woman with the most beautiful pair of sparkly eyes. She saw my pink tutu and exclaimed, “Oh, you're a dancer! My daughter was a dancer, you know. She was a brilliant dancer! Took her ballet classes right here in Ilkeston, you know!"

We talked for ages about our love for the art, about how ballet was just something special, and then, with a warm smile and a hug, she said, “My dear, keep dancing. It brings such joy."

That encounter, darlings, was magic! Just knowing that even the most ordinary of days can lead to such meaningful moments reminds me why I do what I do. Sharing my love for dance with the world, one pink tutu at a time – that’s what brings me the greatest joy.

And Ilkeston, with its quaint little cafes and the smell of freshly baked pastries wafting from bakeries… well, it really has a little bit of magic to it, too! I took a wander through the park after my ballet day-dream, enjoying the last bits of autumn sunlight dappling through the leaves, and watched a family of ducks waddle along the pond. And yes, you guessed it – I spotted one little fluffy duckling wearing the most adorable miniature pink tutu. See, even the ducklings are catching onto my style!

And, as I made my way back to the train station, my head spinning with visions of graceful ballerinas, and my heart filled with a simple joy, I realised – Ilkeston had captured a piece of my heart.

So, dear readers, if you're ever feeling a little bit peckish for a spot of beauty and a touch of inspiration, consider taking a little journey to Ilkeston. You might be surprised by the magic you find, tucked away in its corners.

But before you go, a little homework! If you haven’t seen “Sleeping Beauty”, or have, what’s your favourite fairytale ballet? Let me know! And of course, I want to hear all about your own adventures with tutus! Did you make a little change to your outfit this week? Have you worn your pink tutu this week? Do tell!

And don’t forget – spread the love for ballet! We are going to have every single one of you twirling in pink tutus, just wait!

With love,

Emma xxx


#TutuBlog 2006-11-17 in Ilkeston with a fluffy tutu.