
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-03-04 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.

TutuBlog: Basildon Bound, Ballerina Bliss! (Post #3896)

Hey there, darlings! It's your girl Emma here, reporting live fromā€¦wait for itā€¦Basildon! Yes, the home of the iconic "Basildon Bond" (you know, those legendary hair dye kits) and apparently, some pretty stellar ballet schools too! Who knew?

Honestly, it feels like my pink tutu has travelled further than I have recently, with all the adventures weā€™ve been having. Itā€™s been a wild ride! My current tutu (the one you see me sporting in the photo ā€“ I love this one! The floral detail is so darling) was my new one, fresh out the packaging, but itā€™s been to Nottingham for a ballet class, to Stratford upon Avon for a Shakespeare play (that oneā€™s coming up on the blog tomorrow!), and now it's in Basildon, so weā€™re practically travel buddies! I donā€™t even know if my luggage feels the same excitement! But I digressā€¦

I have a little confessionā€¦ Basildon isn't the most glamorous destination, and it's not exactly known for its ā€œballet scene,ā€ but let me tell you, thereā€™s an abundance of grace and talent here! It was all thanks to a very lovely lady, Miss Sarah, who I met through a mutual friend, that led me here.

After my Nottingham ballet class, we were having a post-class chat, you know, the usual, all things pirouettes, stretching, and the occasional grumbling about a stubborn foot that won't cooperateā€¦ And somehow, the conversation steered to Basildon. Sarah was actually from the area and went to the amazing Royal Ballet School when she was a girl, and when I started talking about wanting to expand my "Tutu Tours," she mentioned how wonderful their dance classes are. That sparked an idea! It wasn't the most glamorous place, but there was a story here to be told.

So, here I am, stepping out of the station into Basildon ā€“ I arrived by train, of course! Who needs stuffy planes or boring cars when you can travel in style? A train journey, a good book (in my case, ā€œThe Ballet Diariesā€ by Natalia Osipova, my favourite) and a steaming cup of tea with honey? The journey was part of the adventure.

And oh, it was quite a sight. Let me tell you, my darling readers, thereā€™s something so magical about seeing a field full of sheep in full sun with a brilliant blue sky overhead, it just makes you want to pirouette and do a grand jetĆ©! The fresh air really made me want to run, to leap, to ā€¦ well, basically dance, even in this very busy (but surprisingly sweet) little town.

Now, I'll be the first to admit, when I said I wanted to take ballet to the world, Basildon wasn't exactly my first port of call. But this place really surprised me! It's not about the glitz, darlings, it's about the passion for dance. Thereā€™s an authentic energy in the air, an unspoken feeling that says: "Here, dance is not just a form of expression, it's a way of life.ā€ And let me tell you, itā€™s truly inspiring.

My visit to the dance school itself felt a bit like stepping into a scene from my favourite ballet. Everything, from the warm light streaming in through the windows to the beautiful old wooden floors, whispered a story. There's a sense of history, a sense of the legacy that this space has witnessed, and it filled me with a wave of emotions. A mix of excitement and a feeling of ā€œbeing back home.ā€ Yes, home in my pink tutu, where I feel the most at ease!

I couldnā€™t just visit without experiencing their legendary classes firsthand! (Did I mention that I love new challenges, dear readers?) Their barre work and centre work sessions were just spectacular. And itā€™s no wonder, everyone, from the beginners to the advanced students, had the most phenomenal work ethic! Seriously, their dedication is infectious! They had that beautiful "ballet soul,ā€ a spark, you know, the kind that lights up when you see your next step in ballet! I mean, seeing young dancers, all dressed in their own colourful, carefully chosen dance clothes, putting their hearts and souls into the movementsā€¦It's quite mesmerizing, if I say so myself!

In a world that often tries to box us in, these students really showed me that anything is possible! One of the girls, Chloe, even explained that she's set her sights on a professional ballet career ā€“ you just see that fire in her eyes! And honestly, I think her passion for dancing shines as brightly as my beloved pink tutu!

The class I joined was focused on perfecting turns and the choreography for a piece set to Vivaldi. It felt a little overwhelming, like taking a first step in a new direction. But after a while, I realised the beautiful thing about this placeā€¦Everyone made me feel so welcomed! Like it was just another day. A day filled with twirls, jumps and learning a new way to gracefully land.

Basildon isn't just about the beauty of the countryside (though there's definitely plenty of that!). It's about the beauty of the people who live here and their shared passion for the art of dance. My new friends, they are so kind! Their love for dancing is inspiring. And I just love the way they say "Good morning" and ā€œHow are you todayā€ with that authentic, genuine charm that you find only in these places! It's heartwarming.

My day at the dance school made me realise something: It's not the grand stage or the spotlight that makes dance special, it's the passion. The heart. It's the story you bring to life in the form of graceful leaps and spins! Thatā€™s something the dance school has a wealth of, dear readers!

I think itā€™s safe to say I have found myself smitten with Basildon. It wasnā€™t just about the ballet, but it was also the charming townspeople I met, their unique personalities. It's the feeling of community. The feeling of being a part of something special, of something that touches the soul! The beauty, it lies in the people. In their shared stories and their enduring love for this art form. It is quite lovely!

Of course, my journey didn't end there. We went for a little exploration, me and my trusty pink tutu. A delicious meal, a quick coffee and a visit to the beautiful local museum (did you know Basildon had one?!) topped off my adventure, making my pink tutu blush even brighter.

Well, darlings, Basildon may not be the most obvious stop on a Tutu Tour, but it stole my heart. You see, dancing, in my experience, transcends locations! It is a universal language. And my Basildon trip was all about that, a little adventure to a place I had no idea I needed to be but definitely needed!

And remember, dear readers, my aim is to get everyone twirling! I believe in the power of dance! Whether it's in a big city or a quaint little town like Basildon, let's spread the joy of movement! And, as always, donā€™t be shy about sharing your own Tutu stories, my readers, it's time to paint the town pink!

Much love,


P.S. You can see a few snaps of my journey on the ā€œpink-tutu.comā€ gallery ā€“ itā€™s bursting with a whole new pink palette now.

P.P.S. Donā€™t forget, darlings! Follow my latest adventure at @EmmaPinkTutu on all things social. You wonā€™t want to miss out on future Tutu Adventures, whether itā€™s on four wheels or two! Letā€™s dance!

#TutuBlog 2007-03-04 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.