Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-09-07 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.

Bexleyheath: Where Ballet Dreams & Pastry Delights Collide! (Post #4083)

Oh, my darling lovelies! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed adventurer, reporting live from sunny Bexleyheath! Yes, you heard that right – I’ve taken the train journey all the way down from Derbyshire, with my trusty pink ballet bag strapped to my shoulder and my head full of pirouettes and pink dreams! This place is positively buzzing with excitement, and I couldn't resist taking a quick detour from the world of plies and arabesques to indulge in a spot of… well, let’s just say, "a bit of cake" might be a tad understated.

But hold your horses (literally, because I did arrive here on a rather beautiful black steed), I'll get to that delectable adventure later! Today’s mission was all about experiencing the unique ballet scene in Bexleyheath. Imagine this, darling: a little bijou theatre with a history that’s practically oozing charm, hosting a troupe of dancers whose passion for the art of ballet rivals even mine (it's quite the feat, trust me!).

The whole evening felt like a scene from one of my favourite romantic films. The quaint, cobbled streets of Bexleyheath shimmered with twinkling lights as I arrived, a beautiful waltz filling the air. Inside the theatre, the stage was already set with that magical, enchanting, almost-too-good-to-be-true atmosphere that only the world of ballet can create. I slipped into my comfy plush seat, excited to see what ballet delights Bexleyheath had to offer.

The performance itself was a real treat, showcasing a vibrant blend of classical ballet, contemporary interpretations, and a bit of theatrical flair. The dancers were positively mesmerizing – graceful and elegant as swans one minute, bursting with youthful energy the next, a pure joy to watch. The costumes? Simply divine. Flowing silk and vibrant colours, with enough sparkles to rival a disco ball.

Now, before we get to the food… you have to know about the post-show reception, a tradition I am now adopting for all my ballet excursions. What do I mean by 'reception', you ask? Well, darling, let’s just say there was an overflowing buffet of finger sandwiches, miniature cakes, and delicious pastries, with bubbly cocktails served in chic glasses. It was, quite honestly, everything a ballet-lover could dream of after a truly beautiful evening. I simply had to embrace the moment, so naturally, I swirled and pirouetted around the theatre with a dainty éclair clutched in one hand and a flute of champagne in the other. (Don't worry, I caught every drop!).

And that’s not even mentioning the charming gentlemen and delightful ladies I encountered during my delightful afternoon at the Bexleyheath Theatre! It was the perfect mix of ballet lovers and pastry enthusiasts, each adding a sprinkle of magic to the day. I could go on for hours about this delightful escape from the Derbyshire countryside. It was, to quote my favourite ballet, “Swan Lake”, truly magical!

Oh, darling, I cannot forget about my own little fashion adventure. I have been so excited about sharing my newest creation, a ballet-themed food tutu! The layers are created from delectable chocolate cake (I always choose dark chocolate, for obvious reasons!), topped with sugared cherries, fluffy pink meringue, and my absolute favourite, a cascading chocolate fountain! If you see this gem on your travels, please do join me in a little twirl! (I won’t judge if you try to take a bite of the meringue - the baker assured me it's extra strong.)

As my time in Bexleyheath comes to an end, I'm filled with a sweet combination of happy memories, swirling dreams of future ballets, and an urge to twirl with joy. Bexleyheath, you've stolen a piece of my heart (and my stomach). But don't worry, I will be back! You've made it a priority for my future itinerary! I leave you, my dear readers, with a promise - keep twirling! Life is simply too short for anything else.

Now, off to explore the delightful world of pastry and cakes, with a new appreciation for all the wonderful things that can be found beyond the ballet studio! Until tomorrow, my darlings!

With a twirl,



#TutuBlog 2007-09-07 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.