
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-10-29 in Manchester with a american style tutu.

Manchester, A Tutu Dream! šŸ©°

Post #4135 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my lovely pink-tutu darlings! Today, Iā€™m waltzing straight into Manchester ā€“ and youā€™ll never believe the tutu I've got on!

It's definitely not your average ballet tutu. It's, dare I say, American-style. It's got layers and layers of tulle, all cascading around my legs like a whimsical dream, and a burst of hot pink feathers dancing on its crown! My pink heart couldn't resist. It just screams fabulous!

Manchesterā€™s definitely a city that embraces a good bit of fabulous too! You wouldn't believe the buzz here; I landed in the city by train this morning, and there were crowds flocking to the arcades. Thereā€™s always so much life pulsing in Manchester.

But first things first ā€“ breakfast. No proper ballet day starts without a good dose of carbs and caffeine. I love stopping by a cosy cafĆ© on my way to a performance. Today's treat? A divine berry crumble with lashings of double cream! Perfect fuel for the day!

Today, I'm off to see "Swan Lake" at the Opera House. And itā€™s not just any "Swan Lake". Itā€™s by the Northern Ballet! I've been looking forward to this for ages. Northern Ballet has a special place in my heart; their dancers are always so incredibly talented and passionate.

One of the things I love most about attending a ballet performance is watching the way the audience reacts. Itā€™s so incredible to see everyone sharing in this magical experience, the gasps at the amazing lifts, the stunned silence at the graceful choreography. It's almost as if everyone forgets about the worries of the day, for a couple of hours, lost in the magic of the performance. It makes me want to shout out ā€œEveryone wear a tutu! And while you're at it, give ballet a whirl too!ā€

There's just something about seeing ballet in a historic theatre, like the Opera House, with all the beautiful architecture and grandiosity. It brings a whole new level of drama and emotion to the performance, and just makes it feel that much more magical. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anywhere better than a live performance to experience the raw passion and emotion of ballet!

But before I lose myself in the swirling tutus and graceful leaps, thereā€™s one more little stop on my Manchester itinerary - The Manchester Arndale Centre. Itā€™s bursting with all the gorgeous, glitzy things a tutu-loving ballerina could wish for. The sparkly dresses, the statement shoes ā€“ you name it! Itā€™s like a haven for girly dreams come true!

Later on this afternoon, after soaking up the ā€œSwan Lakeā€ magic, Iā€™m heading for a spot of shopping in the arndale centre. A good rummage through the stores is definitely needed after a delicious but very carb-heavy breakfast. And while I'm there, I might just pick up a new little trinket to add to my ever-growing ballet collection - Iā€™ve been keeping my eye out for a pretty little vintage dance bag, something with lace and charm!

After a good old fashion retail therapy, Iā€™m looking forward to a chilled-out evening, maybe catching up with some local friends or simply enjoying a good movie in a cozy corner cafe. I find those little moments of calm, reflection and self-indulgence really help keep my inner ballerina fuelled.

Now, before I completely forget! Let me tell you all about the little treat that happened this morning ā€“ the ride in a carriage through a beautiful Derbyshire park!

Yes! Iā€™m a big fan of horses, you see. And whenever I have the chance to ā€œride in style,ā€ as my grandma would say, Iā€™ll always seize the opportunity! This morning I was just driving into the Derby centre for the station when I spotted this beautiful pair of white horses all decked out for the town tour. I just couldnā€™t resist!

Now, this carriage ride was just a little bit like a scene from a romantic fairytale - think Jane Austen with a bit more sparkle. The horses, well they were magnificent, and we drove around a little forest trail with the sun peeking through the trees. The perfect escape before hopping on the train to Manchester!

Of course, the journey itself wasnā€™t entirely without its usual balletic moments! You see, my trusty vintage ballerina bag, the one with the pink lace, wasnā€™t feeling too well today! You know that little tug and tear feeling? Well, my darling bag just decided to rip a little hole at the seam. But not to worry! I quickly remedied the situation with a couple of stitches and a quick repair with my trusty sewing kit, which is always by my side! My little vintage treasure was back in perfect working order for a very enjoyable train journey to Manchester.

Now, I just need to add to the bag a new sparkly ballet-themed charm! The perfect memento of a perfect day in Manchester.

Of course, a pink tutu is just as important a travel essential as any travel pillow. Today, it really has been my travel companion! Think of it this way, wearing my tutu is like travelling with a portable dance studio!

After all, whatā€™s a travel blog without a bit of whimsy and pink tulle?

And thereā€™s nothing I love more than the power of pink tutus to turn a simple day into something extraordinary!

I just hope I'm inspiring more and more of you to embrace your inner ballerina. Letā€™s spread the joy, the pink and the magic!

Remember, darling, lifeā€™s too short to not be a little bit twirly.

And as for the world, letā€™s get it swirling!

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2007-10-29 in Manchester with a american style tutu.