Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-11-01 in Worthing with a black tutu.

Worthing Whirlwind: A Tutu Tale

Post #4138 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello lovelies!

It's your girl Emma here, back with another post from the exciting world of pink tutus and graceful twirls! Today I'm venturing out of my usual Derbyshire countryside and into the coastal delights of Worthing. This seaside town is known for its beautiful pier, Victorian architecture, and surprisingly, a vibrant ballet scene!

The Train to the Coast

I absolutely adore travelling by train. There's just something so magical about watching the landscape whizz past and knowing you're hurtling towards an adventure. This trip was extra special as I got to don my new favourite tutu for the journey. It's a beautiful black number with layers of tulle and a sparkly pink bow - perfect for a glamorous day out!

First Stop: The Seafront

Upon arrival, I immediately made my way to the seafront. The crisp, salty air invigorated me, and I couldn't resist taking a stroll along the promenade. I even had a go on one of those classic amusement park dodgems! Wearing a tutu on dodgems isn't for the faint of heart, but let me tell you, it adds a whole new level of fun to the experience. I think I might have scared a few kids, but they giggled so much it was all in good fun.

Exploring Worthing's Artistic Side

Of course, no trip to Worthing would be complete without immersing myself in the town's incredible artistic scene. The Worthing Theatres is a treasure trove of theatrical and ballet productions. They even have a beautiful Art Deco cinema! Today's treat was a delightful ballet performance by the local dance company. I was amazed by their talent and grace, and their performance truly inspired me. They had such incredible control and precision in their movements, it really set my inner ballerina ablaze.

Tutu-licious Delights

After the show, I was craving a bit of pink sweetness. I'm never far from a delicious dessert, and Worthing certainly didn't disappoint! A charming little cafe near the pier had the most incredible pink strawberry milkshake with whipped cream. My Instagram feed loved it - you guys just couldn't resist my girly girly pics.

Worthing Ballet

There's this adorable local ballet school here in Worthing, and they've got me itching to do a class. I love to pick up tips from the locals! My day was rounded off with a beautiful class. They have some incredible instructors, I picked up so much, I felt like my pirouettes had extra pirouette, my leaps had extra leap! And of course, I had to put my best twirl out, I couldn't resist throwing in a few impromptu grand jetés, even in this small studio! It really inspired me to explore some of the more challenging movements I’ve been wanting to learn, and I’m already planning on coming back and practicing some more.

Final Thoughts on Worthing

I have to say, Worthing truly lived up to its reputation. It's a charming town with something for everyone. I loved the seaside atmosphere, the vibrant cultural scene, and the friendly locals. The experience has certainly filled my heart with dancey joy and reinforced my belief that pink tutus and ballet truly are for everyone.

Have you been to Worthing? I'd love to hear your recommendations! Do you love the ballet as much as I do?

Don't forget to follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com, and feel free to share your own ballet-related thoughts and stories with me. Let's spread the love of pink tutus and the joy of dance!


Emma xx

P.S. I saw a cute little hedgehog on my walk to the station this morning! They’re just the cutest. And as you all know, they’re great for a little ballet inspiration, if you get into that whole spikey little ballerina thing! What's your favourite animal to watch? Let me know in the comments!

#TutuBlog 2007-11-01 in Worthing with a black tutu.