Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-11-05 in Derby with a cyan tutu.

Derby Delights: A Tutu-ful Day Out! (Post #4142)

Hello darlings!

Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and today's adventure has me positively pirouetting with joy. As you know, I'm a huge fan of all things ballet, and Derby is simply bursting with that elegant energy!

This morning I woke up feeling like a prima ballerina, the sun streaming through my bedroom window like a spotlight illuminating my favourite cyan tutu - a bold choice, I know, but trust me, it was perfect for this vibrant day. After a quick cup of pink-tinted chai (a new recipe I discovered in a charming little café in the Peak District yesterday!), I hopped onto the 10:30 train to Derby, the rhythmic click-clack of the tracks mimicking my inner rhythm.

As the train rolled through the countryside, the vibrant colours of the autumn leaves danced before me - a perfect preview for the enchanting day to come. Derby station welcomed me with open arms, or rather, welcoming ticket barriers - very efficient!

My first stop: the stunning Derby Theatre, which, by the way, has the most adorable little cafe on the ground floor serving the most amazing pastries - I indulged in a raspberry éclair (naturally, pink!). I can’t say no to a bit of sweetness on a day like this. It set the tone perfectly for the wonderful ballet matinee performance I was about to witness.

I was utterly captivated by "Swan Lake," watching those graceful dancers glide across the stage, their tutus a breathtaking blur of movement and passion. The music was a perfect symphony, and the story had me glued to my seat – almost as glued as I was to the seat when I caught sight of an incredible hand-stitched ruby red tutu that had been beautifully adorned with tiny pearl and jewel detailing. Swoooooon. Oh, the places a ballerina's imagination can go, right?!

The energy at the theatre was infectious. A gentleman sitting next to me whispered to his wife, "See? I told you ballet wasn't just for little girls. It's beautiful, dynamic and full of emotion." That's what I like to hear! It truly warms my heart when I see the spark in people’s eyes as they experience the magic of ballet for the first time. It reminds me why I love my job as a dancer and blogger - to share my passion and hopefully inspire others to find their own graceful groove.

Of course, no trip to Derby would be complete without a visit to the breathtaking Derby Arboretum, an urban oasis brimming with wildlife and an abundance of captivating pink and purple flowers. As I wandered through the park, my pink tutu flitting between the vibrant flora, I was captivated by the antics of the squirrels scampering up and down the ancient trees. Their playful energy reminds me that it's always important to bring a little joy and whimsy to every moment.

Later, as the sun started to set, casting a warm glow over the city, I stopped at a lovely little tea room for a spot of afternoon tea with a charming gentleman I'd met on the train (it really is the perfect place to find interesting people, I can’t tell you how many interesting encounters I’ve had!). Over scones and jam, we discussed our shared passion for travel - he rides his horse all over the countryside and I'm partial to a scenic train journey or two (I confess, sometimes I imagine myself riding in a carriage drawn by four elegant horses!) He even admired my tutu, saying, "I think it looks like a butterfly!" which completely charmed me.

As evening settled, the streets of Derby transformed into a twinkling wonderland of twinkling fairy lights. My heart was light and my steps practically pirouette-ing with happiness. I boarded my train, already eager for my next adventure - perhaps a little horse riding this week?

But before I sign off for the night, remember - my ultimate goal in life is to make everyone experience the joy of ballet, and why not do it in style? So, how about you put on a tutu tomorrow - maybe even pink! And, remember - it doesn't have to be a professional one - find a feather boa, some silk scarves, whatever you can! It’s about channeling the inner ballerina in all of us, expressing ourselves and embracing a little whimsy in our lives.

Until next time,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2007-11-05 in Derby with a cyan tutu.