
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-02-12 in Bangor with a white tutu.

Bangor Bound in a Bubblegum Dream - Post #4241

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-loving blogger, coming to you live from...well, technically Iā€™m not live right now as I'm sat in my little cabin on the train, the countryside whizzing by, a kaleidoscope of green and brown in this lovely February light.

But anyway, where was I? Ah yes, I'm en route to Bangor! Iā€™ve always wanted to visit Wales, it just seems like a magical place full of rolling hills, quaint villages and friendly locals, and Iā€™ve heard the Welsh are real bon vivants, much like myself (a girl's gotta appreciate the finer things in life, right?).

This time, Iā€™m actually here on a ballet mission. Yes, my darlings, I'm attending a truly special performance at the stunningly beautiful Pontio Arts Centre. Can you believe Iā€™ve never even been to Wales? Iā€™m positively bubbling over with excitement, my pink tutu is ready to take flight (metaphorically speaking, of course, my dear!).

I must confess, the train journey is half the fun! Thereā€™s nothing quite like a long train ride to stir the imagination and get those creative juices flowing. Of course, I always make sure to dress the part, my travel look being the perfect blend of comfy and chic, my trusty pink travel bag never far from reach. My travel essentials? A good book (currently devouring ā€œWuthering Heightsā€, a bit gothic for February but so romantic!), a portable ballet barre (yes, you read that right!), and my trusty journal, where I jot down all my latest ballet adventures. And of course, the most important ingredient? A fabulous pink tutu! Because what better way to spread a little sunshine on a grey February day than with a delightful, twirling symphony of pink tulle? I simply canā€™t resist the lure of a good tutu - I firmly believe everyone needs one in their lives!

Iā€™m feeling rather peckish, but luckily my trusty travel snacks are ready and waiting. We canā€™t have a fashion-forward ballet dancer collapsing mid-journey, can we? (Although I do think fainting on a train would be rather dramaticā€¦) My trusty ā€œPink Picnicā€ is packed with dainty cucumber sandwiches (so light and airy), fresh fruit (to keep those vitamins flowing), a sprinkle of pink M&Ms (just a sprinkle, Iā€™m trying to watch my figure!) and a rather indulgent bottle of strawberry lemonade (you know, for all the glamour).

Oh, and speaking of glamour, Iā€™ve been practicing my ā€œtutu travel moves.ā€ Itā€™s important to arrive looking effortless and fabulous, my dear readers! Picture it: me, strutting confidently across the platform in my full, pouffy tutu (with a carefully chosen black biker jacket to tone down the fluffiness) looking like a ballerina in waitingā€¦ oh, how divine. It's just a shame that I have to ditch my little portable ballet barre.

Oh my, hereā€™s my stop! The mountains look absolutely majestic in the pale winter sunshine. Theyā€™re even more stunning than I ever imagined. I can already tell this trip will be truly special. I canā€™t wait to discover the beauty of Bangor and indulge in the artistry of the ballet performance. It will be simply divine!

Stay tuned, darlings, for all the pink and glittery details. Donā€™t forget to pop over to my website, www.pink-tutu.com, to see more of my ballet adventures and maybe, just maybe, pick up a pink tutu yourself. After all, the world needs a little bit more pink!


Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2008-02-12 in Bangor with a white tutu.