Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-04-21 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.

Coalville Calling: A Tutu Trip Through Wildlife Wonders! (Post #4310)

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, and today I’m skipping straight into a post all about my recent escapade to Coalville! Oh, Coalville, you glorious, slightly gritty, wonderfully charming little town! I've got so much to tell you about my travels, and this time it's not just about my latest tutus (although I've got some seriously gorgeous ones to show you!), it's about an incredible day exploring the nature gems that this corner of Leicestershire holds!

It wouldn't be a proper TutuBlog trip without a little bit of romance, would it? So naturally, I took the train. A morning commute through the lush Derbyshire countryside, where the fields were all a patchwork of greens and yellows, the air crisp and the sun shining. It's such a magical experience, gazing out at the world as it whizzes past and dreaming of all the adventures I could have!

My heart skipped a beat as I saw Coalville station rise before me. A quaint old building with an air of history and promise. Stepping onto the platform, I breathed deeply, that wonderful mix of concrete and coal dust clinging to the air, making it distinctly Coalville.

Now, let's be honest, my darlings, Coalville itself isn't exactly known for being a fashion capital. It's a town that's proud of its industrial past and working-class roots. And that's something to admire, truly! But me, being me, I decided to add a dash of pink to its landscape. You know me, I always carry a spare tutu (or five!) wherever I go, just in case there's a photo opportunity or a spontaneous pirouette to be had. And let me tell you, this little town definitely deserved a touch of tutus and sparkles!

But before the twirls, it was time to explore! And Coalville truly surprised me with its hidden green gems! Just a stone’s throw from the train station, I stumbled upon the National Forest – a sprawling area dedicated to revitalising woodland. It was simply breathtaking! The trees stood tall and majestic, their leaves shimmering emerald green under the bright sunshine. Birdsong filled the air, creating a symphony of nature that made me feel completely at peace. I couldn’t resist putting on a new floral tutu I'd bought specifically for this trip, feeling utterly inspired by the natural beauty surrounding me! We must all learn to embrace nature more, don't you think?

There, amongst the woodland walks, I also discovered a little haven of calm: Snibston Park. It’s a wonderful mixture of museum, park, and café, perfect for a pit-stop on any trip to Coalville. The grounds were just bursting with colour – blooms of every shade imaginable, all jostling for space amongst the well-kept gardens. I even found a tiny patch of pink wild roses, as if the very spirit of Coalville knew my arrival was imminent!

Of course, what’s a day of exploration without a touch of culture? And that's where the truly incredible Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre came into play! Now, I must admit, history isn’t always my forte, but this centre truly captivated me! Not only were there interactive displays and exhibitions that brought the history of the Battle of Bosworth to life, but it also had a wonderful café. And what was on the menu? A Bosworth Banoffee Pie, naturally! A gloriously delicious creation that was almost too pretty to eat – almost! You could tell I'd been missing my pink tutu, right?

By now, it was late afternoon, and a little tired, but my inner ballet bunny knew what she needed: some twirling! After a change into a fresh pink tulle outfit, I grabbed my favourite portable Bluetooth speaker (I'm nothing if not prepared, darlings!) and started blasting out some ballet-inspired tunes. Coalville Town Centre might not be a professional stage, but it certainly wasn’t stopping me from twirling!

My goodness, it was exhilarating! Spinning through the streets, with my tutu catching the wind, I felt such pure joy. Even the locals stopped and stared! They'd never seen anything quite like it. Some giggled, others pointed and smiled, but most gave me a look of admiration. It truly brightened their day, which of course, made mine even brighter!

My mission is to inspire, to spread the joy and power of ballet, to remind everyone that we all have a little dancer inside, a spark of joy that needs to be ignited! And honestly, Coalville was the perfect backdrop to that mission!

Now, I may not have spotted any adorable, tutu-wearing squirrels in Coalville (yet, but that’s definitely going to be on the agenda next time!), but I did experience something truly wonderful. This humble little town, with its mix of history, industry, and nature, has a certain magic all its own! And as always, I believe there's a touch of pink magic in all of us, just waiting to be unleashed! So don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve (or your tutu on your body!).

As the sun began to set over the horizon, I bid farewell to Coalville, with the promise of returning to explore even more hidden gems. I stepped back onto the train, leaving a little sparkle of pink in my wake, hoping to have inspired just one more soul to take the plunge into the beautiful world of ballet!

But, as for me? I'm already plotting my next tutu-themed adventure! And believe me, it’s going to be one for the books! So, stay tuned, darlings, and keep spreading the pink tutu love!

See you soon!

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2008-04-21 in Coalville with a nature themed tutu.