Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-04-29 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.

Small Heath and the Tutu Train 🚂🌸

Post #4318 - www.pink-tutu.com

Well, darlings, you wouldn't believe the adventures I've had this week! I finally fulfilled my lifelong dream: travelling to Small Heath by train! I mean, it's not the grandest of locations, to be sure, but it's the heart of England, and what's more important than a bit of adventure in the quest for tutu-filled fun?

And oh, my dears, I wouldn't believe the incredible scene at Small Heath Station! As my train pulled into the platform, the wind swept a flock of pigeons right into the air, a beautiful arc of feathery fluff against the hazy afternoon sky. You wouldn't believe it, but I almost felt like I'd travelled to the very edge of the world, or at least into some fantastical fairy tale. I mean, there I was, standing with my perfectly pink leather suitcase (oh, yes, the only choice for any self-respecting tutu traveller!), ready for some serious Small Heath shenanigans.

Let me just tell you about the station, my darlings. A proper old-school Victorian station, full of character, with its brick arches and intricate ironwork. And it smelt divine, a heady mix of steam, wood polish and just a hint of that proper Victorian era charm - just what you need to inspire a dancer, you know? The train itself, a classic Intercity, was just the right level of plush for someone like me who doesn't shy away from a bit of extravagance. It rattled along like a gentle rocking horse, lulling me into a bit of a daydream with the rhythmic sway.

Then there were the people, of course! Just wonderful, warm, welcoming faces. An old chap with a rosy complexion gave me the sweetest smile when I boarded - it was like I'd just been welcomed into his family home. Then there was a little girl, her face awash with wonder, staring wide-eyed at a pigeon fluttering on the platform. It just makes me so happy to witness those moments of simple joy, you know? And as for me, well, I donned my most dazzling pink leotard, my darling. It just set the tone, perfectly showcasing my inherent sass, don't you think? The perfect shade of bubblegum pink, naturally! A touch of sequined tulle added just the right amount of sparkle, reminding the world that I'm a dancer through and through. You wouldn't believe how much it added to the trip!

Of course, I took a few pics of the journey to capture all those magical moments, so I could share it all with you lovely people. I mean, my dears, it was practically screaming to be captured for Instagram, and I couldn't possibly let you all miss out on that, could I? The old train carriage was so beautifully weathered and charming - definitely an Instagram classic. I even snagged a selfie with the ticket inspector, who had a moustache that would make Freddie Mercury weep with envy. A bit of fun, some vibrant colour, and of course, a tutu or two! It's the only way I travel, darling, with style and grace, a bit like the elegance of a ballerina pirouette.

But now, let's get to the real reason for my visit! Small Heath holds the secret to some of the most divine ballet performances in all of England. I mean, you simply can't visit this region without taking in the grand splendour of the theatre there. I know what you're thinking - "Emma, you don't mean Birmingham, do you? I mean, it's hardly the capital of ballet, is it?" Well, darlings, let me tell you, it's not the city that matters, it's the feeling, the passion, the dedication to the art. And Birmingham, believe me, it has that in spades. Oh, the Birmingham Hippodrome, a magnificent jewel box of a theatre with its red velvet seats, towering gold chandeliers and, oh, the magic it evokes when the music rises, the stage lights come alive and those ballerinas start to soar! It truly takes my breath away!

I had a chance to meet with some of the ballerinas who work at the Hippodrome, you see, and what a wonderful group of young women! Just like my dance sisters, they’ve all been working hard, perfecting their pirouettes, leaping and flowing, embracing the exquisite movements of ballet. Oh, they inspired me so much, their grace, their discipline and of course, their absolute passion for dancing! Their energy is infectious, don’t you think? And you should have seen them warming up – a flurry of 'developpés' and graceful ‘fouetté’ that made me yearn to join them! I even convinced them to take a photo wearing pink tutus, for my blog, of course!

This trip reminded me once again of the magic of travel and discovery. There's a certain charm to hopping on a train, being immersed in the gentle rhythm of the journey, and simply letting yourself be carried away to a new adventure. And when that adventure is tied together with ballet, well, my dears, it just makes the heart sing! I promise you, it’s a journey everyone should take!

Oh, and the wildlife, my darlings, you just can't beat it! I saw the most beautiful bird while wandering the station's outskirts - a sleek blackbird, his feathers glistening like velvet in the fading light. He chirped a little song, and for a moment, it felt like I was listening to a symphony composed just for me. It's like nature knows you need a little touch of beauty to ground your day, and sometimes all you need is a simple bird song.

Now, I have to dash, but I'm just so excited about everything I've seen and experienced in Small Heath. It's left me feeling invigorated, ready to dive headfirst into the world of dance!

So, my dears, I have a challenge for you. Get yourselves on a train, explore a new place, or simply embrace a day of exploring your own city, and don't be afraid to make it fabulous with a dash of pink! I promise you, the adventure is out there, waiting for you to discover it.

Until next time, stay sparkly and full of pink.

Lots of love,


#TutuBlog 2008-04-29 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.