Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-06-16 in Melton Mowbray with a american style tutu.

Melton Mowbray Magic: Tutu Tales from the Heart of England

Post #4366

Oh, hello darlings! It’s Emma here, writing to you from the quaint and charming town of Melton Mowbray, tucked away in the heart of Leicestershire. My latest adventures have taken me on a delightful journey through the English countryside, and wouldn't you know it, a pink tutu was the perfect accessory for this picturesque escapade!

As many of you know, my love affair with ballet runs deep, and there's no better way to embrace that passion than by dancing your way across new landscapes. Today, I’m channeling a bit of Americana with a gorgeous, multi-layered tutu – a touch of that sassy, spunky New York spirit right here in the British heartland. Think layers upon layers of soft pink tulle, a generous splash of glitter, and a touch of delicate lace. It’s everything a pink-loving ballet devotee could ever wish for!

But before we get lost in the shimmer and sparkle, let’s talk about how I got here. As always, I eschewed the mundane car journey and opted for a romantic train ride – a beautiful, steam-powered train journey, I might add. There’s something utterly captivating about the rhythmic chugging of the engine, the swaying of the carriage, and the glimpses of rolling hills and charming villages as we travelled along. It's a wonderful way to truly absorb the spirit of the English countryside.

And then, Melton Mowbray arrived. Honestly, I could not have asked for a more picturesque setting for my ballet-infused adventures. The air buzzed with a comforting serenity, the gentle sounds of birdsong replaced the cacophony of city life, and the warm scent of wildflowers drifted through the air. It's the kind of place that makes you want to sigh with contentment, kick off your shoes (or in my case, your ballet slippers) and simply be.

However, a ballerina’s spirit can’t be easily quelled, even in a setting as serene as this. My first port of call was the Melton Mowbray Theatre, a little gem tucked away in a side street. The moment I stepped inside, I could feel a palpable energy – the energy of dancers past, present, and future. A small group of young ballet hopefuls were practicing their moves, their bodies a blur of graceful movement and focused dedication.

And what was a tutu-clad ballet enthusiast like myself to do but join in? I gracefully, perhaps a bit too dramatically, made my way towards the center of the studio, the students looking on with a mixture of amusement and wonder. A few timid steps and graceful turns later, I had them laughing, applauding, and even attempting a few pirouettes themselves. I may have forgotten my youthful prowess on the pointe, but let’s just say the memory of that joyful burst of energy is what dreams are made of!

Speaking of energy, Melton Mowbray is teeming with a unique vibrancy that, like ballet, embraces the beauty of motion and grace. The bustling town square, with its lively marketplace, is a true feast for the senses. The delicious aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, alongside the cheerful banter of the market stallholders. The colourful display of fresh produce was an absolute delight to the eyes, with vibrantly hued fruits and vegetables almost begging to be incorporated into my next meal. And of course, the star of the show: Melton Mowbray’s famous pork pies!

For those of you who don’t know, Melton Mowbray is renowned for its mouth-watering pork pies. I just couldn’t resist indulging in this local delicacy, and boy, was it worth every calorie! Imagine a beautifully flaky pastry crust, filled with succulent pork and a delicate blend of spices. Pure culinary perfection!

The rest of my day was a whirlwind of exciting discoveries. From the tranquility of the Melton Mowbray Arboretum, where the air hummed with the buzzing of bees and the rustling of leaves, to the charming, ancient Church of St Mary’s, I felt as though I had stepped into a fairytale. Every corner, every alleyway held a treasure waiting to be discovered.

But no exploration is complete without a touch of wildlife. So, my friends, you know what that means: Pink Tutu Adventures and the world of adorable creatures. Melton Mowbray certainly did not disappoint. Just outside the town centre, a small haven for deer nestled within a forest clearing. They were so graceful and peaceful, just like ballerinas in their own leafy habitat. And yes, I had to try a few poses alongside these magnificent creatures - what's a fashion-forward ballet aficionado without some picture-perfect moments, right?

You know what else is truly magical about this little town? The Melton Mowbray Equestrian Centre. Now, horses have always held a special place in my heart - there’s something magical about their majestic grace and the profound bond between rider and animal.

As I ventured into the stables, the scent of hay and leather filled the air. A stable girl with a kind smile guided me to a gentle mare, all glossy chestnut and graceful lines. As I delicately, yet firmly, clasped the reins, I could feel the connection, the unspoken understanding between two souls sharing the moment. It wasn’t long before I was gliding across the lush green meadows on horseback, the wind in my hair, a pink tutu fluttering alongside me.

My dear friends, I know many of you dream of life on the road, of embracing adventure, of wearing a pink tutu in the most unexpected of places. Melton Mowbray has reaffirmed for me that magic can be found even in the most humble of corners. It’s about letting your inner ballerina guide you, embracing every opportunity with an open heart, and adding a little pink tulle to your world, one step, one horse ride, one breathtaking view at a time.

Until tomorrow, remember, you are capable of extraordinary things! Now go out there, explore, dance your heart out, and never stop believing in the power of pink tutus!

Your Tutu-loving friend,



#TutuBlog 2008-06-16 in Melton Mowbray with a american style tutu.