Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-06-24 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.

Consett Calling! A Fluffy Tutu Takes on the North East

Post #4374 - www.pink-tutu.com

Oh, hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-clad adventurer, and today I’m practically bouncing off the walls! I’m back from a fabulous whirlwind trip to the North East, and you won't believe what happened. Get ready for a journey filled with fluffy tutus, breathtaking views, and enough pink to make your heart skip a beat!

The journey started in the usual Emma-esque fashion - train travel! Now, I know some people might consider it a chore, but for me, it’s an absolute joy. This time, it was a gloriously sunny day, and the countryside scenery was like a living painting. Honestly, you can't beat a good old fashioned train journey to get your creative juices flowing. So, with my trusty tutu bag slung over my shoulder, my hair in a loose bun, and my trusty book (currently Jane Eyre, by the way - a true classic!) in my lap, I was off!

As the train chugged along, I found myself sketching in my little notebook. You see, darlings, I believe in documenting EVERYTHING! Every fleeting inspiration, every gorgeous view, every perfectly pink-hued sky - all of it goes into my little diary. My trusty little journal, it's practically a treasure chest filled with artistic wonders!

Anyway, back to Consett! A quaint little town tucked away in County Durham, I felt instantly transported to another world. I think the air must be a little different up here - crisper, clearer, filled with a magic you just don't find in the bustling city life. I'm talking beautiful rolling hills, winding rivers, and those quintessentially English stone buildings that make my heart skip a beat!

Oh, and speaking of things that make my heart skip a beat, I can't NOT mention the sheep. There were SHEEP everywhere! Adorable little fluffy balls of cuteness munching on the grass and looking generally delightful. Honestly, I could have stayed there all day, just watching them prance and frolic. I even considered giving one a little pink tutu – what do you think, darlings? Perhaps it's an idea for my next adventure!

I stayed at this lovely little guesthouse called "The Lavender Cottage." Let's just say that my room was adorned with every shade of lavender imaginable! Even my little pink tutu-bag matched the walls perfectly. It was practically a dream come true!

Of course, I couldn't just sit in a room, no matter how lovely it was. There's a beautiful old castle nearby, Consett's very own Castle Dene, a real glimpse into history. It's so dramatic, don't you think? The towering stones, the battlements, and even a winding path that leads up to the top. I could just picture myself there in a white tutu, twirling in the courtyard as knights gallop by! Honestly, I had the time of my life exploring the place.

Consett is also famous for its coal mines. Now, I know some people might be surprised by this, but you know I always appreciate a bit of history. So, I did a little research and found out about the town's rich mining heritage, a history woven into its very fabric. They even have a fantastic museum dedicated to the coal mining days! Seeing the old equipment and tools, I felt a genuine sense of history coming alive.

But don't worry, I didn't forget my ballet! In fact, Consett has a fantastic community ballet school, run by a charming woman called Miss Emily. She was such a warm, kind soul and reminded me a little of my own ballet teacher, who instilled in me the magic of ballet.

I couldn't leave without popping in for a class, and what a treat it was! There was a real mix of people, young and old, and their love for ballet just radiated from them. Honestly, I had so much fun with that bunch. And I even convinced a few of them to try a twirl in a tutu! (Although, pink, of course, is always the preferred colour. We don't just wear any old tutu!)

On my last evening, I made sure to watch the sunset from the top of Castle Dene, sipping on a mug of hot chocolate and nibbling on a raspberry-filled cupcake (a classic!), watching as the sky morphed from deep blues and oranges to shades of purple and pink! A truly unforgettable moment that captured the essence of the trip.

Before leaving, I made sure to stock up on souvenirs – a small, hand-painted plate featuring Consett Castle, a few lavender sachets for my linen closet (nothing says “cozy” like a touch of lavender, darling), and of course, a small hand-knitted shawl for my ballet practice routine. I always find those delicate knit fabrics so comforting and elegant, don’t you?

And as I boarded the train back to Derbyshire, I was filled with so many emotions. Joy for having witnessed the beauty of the North East. Gratitude for the kindness of the people I met. And a feeling of sheer exhilaration knowing that I had added another chapter to my pink tutu adventures!

Darlings, I think you can probably tell - I absolutely fell in love with Consett. It's a little corner of the world brimming with charm, history, and beauty - the perfect antidote to my usual fast-paced city life.

If you’re ever looking for a trip that's a little bit different, a bit charming, and a bit out of the ordinary - do give Consett a visit. It’s worth every moment! Oh, and do tell me if you’re ever tempted to wear a pink tutu and twirl around Consett! I think it would be absolutely delightful.

Until next time,


Emma xxx


#TutuBlog 2008-06-24 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.