Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-07-24 in Northampton with a pancake tutu.

Northampton, Darling! A Pancake Tutu Adventure (Post #4404)

Oh, hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast and lover of all things pink and twirly. Today I'm whisking you away to the lovely Northampton, a town that definitely isn't short of charm and... well, frankly, some very, very interesting architecture!

The journey began bright and early, as it always does, with a steaming cup of tea and the soft chirping of our Derbyshire birds. A brisk walk to the station (well, as brisk as one can be in my trusty ballet pumps - so much easier to leap over pesky pigeons!) and then I was hopping aboard the train to this wonderful, slightly gothic town.

Now, let me tell you about the real highlight of the day - a delectable brunch stop at a little café called "The Whispering Willow". The sun was beaming down, creating a real summery vibe as I tucked into a breakfast that was worthy of the most decadent princess. Think fluffy scrambled eggs, toasted brioche, and a plate of mixed berries piled high. To complete the scene, a pot of strong English Breakfast tea arrived, its aroma a welcome reminder of home.

My tummy happy and heart content, I found myself gazing at the charming shops and colourful boutiques of Northampton's old town. There was such a lovely vintage feel to it - like stepping straight into a Jane Austen novel! Of course, no trip is complete without a little retail therapy, and I snagged a pair of coral earrings and a vintage pin for my collection (which, by the way, is beginning to rival the Queen's in terms of size).

The real fun started in the afternoon when I reached my destination - The Royal Theatre, a beautiful old venue with grand columns and ornate balconies. Tonight was a treat – the renowned Northampton Ballet were performing a spectacular production of The Nutcracker! My anticipation was bubbling over as I settled into my plush velvet seat and admired the stage lights. The anticipation was, quite frankly, electric!

And the performance itself? Pure magic! The dancers were absolutely exquisite - such grace and strength, and with a precision that left me breathless. I’m still thinking about the Sugar Plum Fairy's delicate arabesques, and the haunting waltz of the Snowflakes. Every twirl, every leap, was a delight for the senses!

Afterwards, I met with some fellow tutu-lovers (of course!) for a chat and a little "ballet-style" gossip. We discussed everything from the new pointe shoe technology to the best way to keep your tights from snagging - nothing's off the menu in the Tutu Club!

I couldn't resist taking a little stroll afterwards, feeling the buzz of the theatre still in the air. It was on that walk that I spied my new favourite accessory: a crepe pancake stand in the centre of town. This wasn't just any pancake stand, mind you - it boasted a selection so large it could make your head spin! Sweet, savoury, Nutella, lemon & sugar... there was a pancake for everyone.

That's when a mischievous thought struck. A delicious, delicious, twirlingly mischievous thought. What if... what if... I incorporated my pancake purchase into my outfit?

So, darling readers, imagine my surprise (and joy) when I spotted the perfect pancake - thin, light, and perfectly round. Why, it looked just like a ballerina’s tutu! I carefully picked it up and used my ingenious pin (purchased just moments before) to secure it around my waist. Voila! A pancake tutu!

The stares were worth it. And yes, my dear readers, I even managed a little pirouette in the town square, twirling with such joyful abandonment that a few passing tourists started to join in, their own pancakes secured around their waists like miniature tutus.

Oh, how I love my life! The day concluded with the most delectable "pancake" dinner, complete with an incredible pink milkshake and an abundance of delicious berries. I must admit, I had one last cheeky pancake to enjoy (chocolate chip, obviously!), for dessert.

This trip to Northampton was a total joy! I feel truly blessed to experience life’s simple pleasures: the delight of ballet, the taste of fresh-baked pancakes, and the endless possibilities of fashion (even in a small town). I am already counting down the days until I can return, maybe with my favourite lilac tutu next time.

Remember, darlings, the world is your stage! Don't be afraid to let your inner ballerina shine, wear your tutu with confidence, and most importantly... eat your pancake in style!

Stay twirling,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2008-07-24 in Northampton with a pancake tutu.