
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-08-20 in Blackburn with a orange tutu.

Blackburn: Where the Pink Tutu Took Me! (Post #4431)

Hello darlings!

It's your favourite tutu-loving, pink-obsessed blogger Emma here, and guess what? I'm on the move again! I'm sooo excited because today I'm heading to Blackburn, a beautiful little town in Lancashire, a stones throw away from Derbyshire where I call home.

Remember I said Iā€™m trying to see if I can visit every town in Britain that has a railway station? Well, Iā€™ve certainly made progress so far this summer! There's just something so romantic about a good train journey, especially when I can admire the ever-changing countryside from my carriage window. I can see why the railways have inspired so many writers and poets.

Oh, but Iā€™m not just here for the railway! There's a special reason why Blackburn's on my list. Did you know they have a theatre here? Well, not just any theatre, itā€™s actually a fab Victorian theatre, with plush red velvet seats and a grand old stage that must have seen some incredible shows in its time. I just had to see it for myself, and maybe catch a bit of a show if I was lucky.

But before we even think of the theatre, it was time to hit the streets of Blackburn! My mission? To find a cute cafƩ, somewhere that served yummy pastries and, naturally, lots of hot pink. (What else?) It's all about the ambiance for me!

And that's when my favourite bit of today happened, darlings! I was strolling through the streets (dressed in my oh-so-stylish pink tutu, of course) when I bumped into this adorable little tea room, nestled in the prettiest courtyard. Iā€™m telling you, the air practically buzzed with charm and creativity, with delicate teacups hanging in the windows, twinkling fairy lights, and sweet, floral scents swirling all around. Itā€™s a must for anyone visiting Blackburn.

And to make the whole experience even more dreamy, I managed to nab myself a slice of Victoria Sponge - which, in case youā€™re wondering, I thoroughly recommend - followed by a piping hot cup of chamomile tea (because even a pink-loving girly-girl like me needs some calming vibes from time to time).

By the way, Blackburn is a real wildlife loverā€™s paradise, too. The park near the railway station was absolutely breathtaking! Gorgeous trees, colourful flower beds, even a little duck pondā€¦ You can find everything you need right in this one park. I even spotted a cute fluffy rabbit nibbling on some clover ā€“ which is my excuse to tell you that it reminded me of a little ballet dancer all tutuā€™d up and leaping through the green meadows, you see! It's true ā€“ even the animals know it's pink tutus all the way!

Speaking of tutusā€¦ I couldn't resist grabbing a quick shot in front of the iconic railway station building with my lovely pink tutu, and maybe a quick snap with some flowers to match my favourite colour. I think I've created quite the Instagram-worthy collection already!

As I hopped off the train to start my adventure, I bumped into the sweetest old lady, looking elegant in her purple cardigan, just enjoying her morning walk. We had a quick chat ā€“ I love getting to know people like this, especially on my travels, because you never know what hidden gems they can lead you to, and itā€™s also the best way to find out the best tea rooms! She told me that, in fact, the station buildingā€™s an absolute architectural masterpiece, with all sorts of fascinating stories and details hidden away in its history, from the time the steam trains first ran there to when they were using this as a military base. So of course, being the curious and ever-learning ballet enthusiast that I am, I made a note to look it up when I had a little more time ā€“ or at least as soon as the next chapter in my journey was underway!

Now, after all this sightseeing and tea, it was time for a little something special ā€“ the ballet performance! Luckily, thereā€™s a fabulous performance school in Blackburn, so they had a delightful, colourful little show showcasing their student's incredible talent. I know, I knowā€¦ who would have guessed that I found a ballet performance right in Blackburn, with all its hidden treasures? The stage was small, but they used every bit of space they had and were full of such bright ideas and beautiful dances. It warmed my heart, reminding me why I love ballet so much - and you just can't deny how good it is to experience it in such a special setting like a small theatre, rather than just another big commercial show.

And the highlight? Their rendition of ā€œSwan Lakeā€. Absolutely mesmerizing. The dancers' movements were fluid and graceful. They truly embodied the emotion and the beauty of this timeless masterpiece, even if the stage was a little smaller than usual, and without the famous lake, or a set with an elaborate, snowy backdrop. The passion and grace truly shone through in the smaller intimate space of a regional theatre like this one. It made me want to hop back onto stage myself. And yes, of course I wore my tutu for the occasion. I even met some lovely dancers after the show, sharing stories of our passions.

It was a perfect ending to a truly magical day, darlings! I've found that the smallest of towns can often harbour the greatest treasures, so you never know what adventure is waiting just around the corner ā€“ itā€™s definitely my biggest lesson from today.

Now, off I go to catch the last train out of Blackburnā€¦ but donā€™t worry, this isnā€™t the end of my adventures! I'm already plotting my next pink tutu adventure ā€“ I have a feeling it's going to be even more fabulous. But thatā€™s for another day!

Keep on dancing and donā€™t forget to stay tuned!
Until next time!




#TutuBlog 2008-08-20 in Blackburn with a orange tutu.